Activity for TextFileReverse

  • Mark Harsen Mark Harsen posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello Austin. Thank you for the update. However, the hex F7 is now being translated into C3B7 instead. Maybe I don't have some encoding set right somewhere but I don't know what or where to change anything. Any ideas? Thanks!

  • Austin French Austin French posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    It isn't the most active project, but I had the source code and fixed this. It wasn't reading file encoding. This is fixed now. Hope it helps!

  • Mark Harsen Mark Harsen posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I am not authorized to open a ticket and I hope this project is active because this is exactly the program I need except that turns a code page 1252 division sign (hex F7) into a hex EFBFBD for some reason thus corrupting the file. Can this please be fixed?