
#710 Improve related aspects, with tags and document structure .


It seems excellent as texstudio shows the structure of the document, but would be much better if it had the following characteristics:

a) It would be good if the tab structure was better organized , ie for example were categorized into sections such as one where the document structure , one where the table of contents of the document ( if it is the case of a document with the primary inputs ), another where the environments and are categorized by type , ie the figures, tables, figures and sub ​​- display other labels as bibliographic entries and glossaries .
b ) Like the picture wizard would be nice that when this equation is inserted automatically insert your label and change automatically depending on the number of equations of the document, which is not limited to only the equation environment but also other mathematical environments to take them as equations , environments align , eqnarray , subequations , ... etc . This option may be optional and the user has the option of inserting equation with or without tag.
c ) Create a table wizard to the environment as well as the figure and the environment that goes into this (tabular , tabularx , ...) and that fields like caption , position and size is chosen to fill , and that automatically attach a label , then fill out the fields to be redirected to the selected setting to create the cells etc . (eg tabular )
d ) That since the structure can edit tables , figures , bibliography, ... etc . , ie for example if I click on a figure style picture wizard out me but not to insert a new image if not to change figure as well with other environments , this in order to make it easier to edit the document. Ie :
With texstudio it will be possible to re -open Most insert dialogs : You can edit your tables and matrices in the same way you inserted or imported them.
e) Paste equations from Word , Mathematica , ... , Paste images from Paint , Photoshop , Gimp, ... Paste tables from Calc, Excel, ... , ie to copy it in their formats and translators such cvc to latex in the case Excel latex automatic language translation is done
f ) Arrange all the labels for chapters, sections etc. .

An example would be like TeXnicCenter editor ( which you attached a screenshot of how to organize your projects , this would improve
On each save operation, TeXnicCenter parses all of your project’s LaTeX and BibTeX included via \input or \include directly or indirectly by the project’s main file. The parsing results are provided to you by different sub views:

Structure view Browse the complete document structure grouped by the logical header levels
Object view Browse the list of all your document’s headers, figures, tables, equations and other environments
File view Browse all your project’s files grouped by type (LaTeX, BibTeX, Graphic files)
Reference view Browse all your Project’s BibTeX references

All of these views provide the following features by context menu of the view’s items:

Go to Open the text location that defines the item in the navigator view
Insert label or reference Insert the label of or a reference to the selected item at the current text location
1 Attachments


  • Tim Hoffmann

    Tim Hoffmann - 2014-05-22

    a) It would be good if the tab structure was better organized , ie for example were categorized into sections such as one where the document structure , one where the table of contents of the document ( if it is the case of a document with the primary inputs ), another where the environments and are categorized by type , ie the figures, tables, figures and sub ​​- display other labels as bibliographic entries and glossaries .

    Something like this is on the long-term plan. But it requires significant code changes and cannot be done easily. We simply don't have time to target this right now. Of course, help from other programmers is always highly welcome (though you should have reasonable experience if you want to target that particular feature).

    Edit: There are already a number of open feature requests going in that direction. I don't think this is a new feature request. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

    b ) Like the picture wizard would be nice that when this equation is inserted automatically insert your label and change automatically depending on the number of equations of the document, which is not limited to only the equation environment but also other mathematical environments to take them as equations , environments align , eqnarray , subequations , ... etc . This option may be optional and the user has the option of inserting equation with or without tag.

    c ) Create a table wizard to the environment as well as the figure and the environment that goes into this (tabular , tabularx , ...) and that fields like caption , position and size is chosen to fill , and that automatically attach a label , then fill out the fields to be redirected to the selected setting to create the cells etc . (eg tabular )

    We propose that a dialog is not a reasonable way to edit LaTeX tables. Therefore we have added a number of other features to help you editing tables. See this discussion.

    d) re -open Most insert dialogs

    This is not feasible for more complex LaTeX code like tables. It's simply impossible to match every possible LaTeX code to a feature in such a dialog. Additionally, the arguments on c) hold.

    e) Paste equations from Word , Mathematica

    Not possible. There is now way to transform them to LaTeX code.

    Paste images from Paint , Photoshop , Gimp

    This can't be done. Image information in the clipboard cannot be included into LaTeX because it's a pure text format. The image has to be stored on disk and you need the filename. However, you can drag&drop image from the explorer into TXS.

    ... Paste tables from Calc, Excel, ... ,

    Again, since there are so many possible variants of tables, it's not possible to provide an all-in-one solution. However, you can write a script that generates the table from the data in the clipboard, see this example.


    Last edit: Tim Hoffmann 2014-05-22
  • Klaus

    Klaus - 2015-09-04

    Paste images from Paint , Photoshop , Gimp

    This can't be done. Image information in the clipboard cannot be included into LaTeX because it's a pure text format. The image has to be stored on disk and you need the filename. However, you can drag&drop image from the explorer into TXS.

    While possibly a niche-usecase for LaTeX, pasting a screenshot of some plot or pasting directly from an image editor in some other manner can be useful to reduce the interruption of the workflow associated with the image.

    Upon pasting (bitmap) image data, a save-as dialogue could be presented for specifying a file name for the image, save the clipboard data to that file and insert the corresponding \includegraphics form.

    I implemented such a function once for emacs org-mode, but there I used imagemagick's

    convert clipboard:DUMMY png:/my/output/file.png

    and a specialized hotkey (Ctrl+Shift+V) to avoid the issue of detecting the data-type in the clipboard. Native support that doesn't require caling an external command would probably be tricky.

    • Tim Hoffmann

      Tim Hoffmann - 2015-09-04

      implemented: hg 5451 (72e8426520f5)

  • Tim Hoffmann

    Tim Hoffmann - 2015-09-04

    All requests above are either implemented or discussed in a dedictated feature request or simply not feasible. Therefore, I'm closing this one.

  • Tim Hoffmann

    Tim Hoffmann - 2015-09-04
    • status: open --> closed
    • Group: -->

    Last edit: Tim Hoffmann 2015-09-04


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