
Citation missing

TXS - Help
Ben H
  • Ben H

    Ben H - 2014-06-05

    I have ver 2.6.6, using biblatex with biber, a separate bib file managed with jabref.

    I do not get autocomplete options for the \cite{} command, \citep{}, etc (I use natbib=true), and all my citations have squiggly underlines with a tooltip saying "Citation missing". I have "Parse bibtex" checked also.

    The partial command I have in my preamble is:
    \RequirePackage[backend=biber, natbib=true...]{biblatex}
    And my include is:

    My complete preamble is long and has many options, but if needed I can post the entire thing.

    Other discussions elsewhere suggest having the bib file open in the editor, but it doesn't change anything.

    What can I do to get this working please?


    Last edit: Ben H 2014-06-05
  • Tim Hoffmann

    Tim Hoffmann - 2014-06-05

    Works for me. It seems you are using mutliple files in different directories. Maybe it's related to that. Try creating a minimal example: First a single tex file with a bib file next to it. Then increase the complexity step by step to your usecase until the detection of the bibliography fails. Then we can see where it goes wrong.

    As a remark, \RequirePackage is intended for use in classes and packages. As an enduser you should use \usepackage instead. But that shouldn't be the problem.

  • Ben H

    Ben H - 2014-09-02

    Apologies, I got distracted...

    More info: using only this one project: on Linux, I see "citation missing", but not on Windows.

    I have narrowed the problem down to the essential ingredients. All of my Preamble is in a style file "preamble.sty", and my main TeX file has \usepackage{preamble}. The MWE proves this.


    Last edit: Ben H 2014-09-02
  • Tim Hoffmann

    Tim Hoffmann - 2014-09-02

    As it seems there are two issues:

    1. TXS does not support style files in the local path. You can work around that by renaming your preamble to preamble.tex and using \input instead of \usepackage.
    2. TXS cannot know that the package natbib will be loaded as a side effect of some option in \usepackage{biblatex}. Therefore, \citep is not recognized as citation command. As a workaround, you can activate the natbib package permanently at Options -> Completion -> Use following completion files. This will result in accepting all natbib commands in all documents even if there is no \usepackage{matbib} in the project.

    Last edit: Tim Hoffmann 2014-09-02
  • Ben H

    Ben H - 2014-09-03

    Thanks Tim,
    I had already reverted my preamble upon finally discovering the cause of the problem. I had no good reason to have it as a style file.
    However the question still remains: why was it a problem under Linux, but not under Windows?


  • Tim Hoffmann

    Tim Hoffmann - 2014-09-03

    However the question still remains: why was it a problem under Linux, but not under Windows?

    I can't really say. For me, our configuration did not work on windows either (as expected). If you really want to dig in deeper, you could compare the settings you used on both systems.


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