Marek Poláček - 2020-03-29

Hi. I am using TeXstudio for generating my LaTeX documents, and I need to use bibliography with ISO 690 style (with Czech locale). However, BibLaTeX doesn't quite fully support babel with Czech language (see StackExchange question). This is my preamble:







\title{Výkonové polovodičové systémy~I \textemdash\ Laboratorní úloha č.~1\\ \large \emph{Řízený dvoupulzní usměrňovač}}
\author{Marek Poláček (POL0423)\\ VŠB \textendash\ Technická univerzita Ostrava,\\ Fakulta elektrotechniky a~informatiky.}

And this is what it bibtex.exe prints out:

I found no \citation commands---while reading file lab01.aux
I found no \bibdata command---while reading file lab01.aux
I found no \bibstyle command---while reading file lab01.aux
(There were 3 error messages)

This is what it looks like in generated PDF (it doesn't show at all):
Generated PDF result

Full LaTeX source code file and its PDF result is in attachment