Thiago - 2018-11-12

(problem solved)

I am using on Linux Mint 18

TeXstudio 2.12.10 (git n/a)
Utilizando Qt Versão 5.11.1, compilado com Qt 5.11.1 R
and since some days ago I am getting problems to compile a file with minted package.

Let me inform that everything was right before. But now, when I compile a minimal code, I get

Package minted Error: You must have `pygmentize' installed to use this package.

But, most strange is that everything compiles right from terminal. Running pdflatex with shell-escape no errors and the output is completly right. Moreover, the pdf updated in the txs embeded previewer looks correct.

Does anybody else is having such problem?


Last edit: Thiago 2018-12-26