
#727 wrong cursor position when pressing up/down arrow keys


When the cursor is located at the beginning of a line within a nested itemize environment and then moved with up/down arrow keys, the cursor does not stay at the very beginning of each line. Instead it often moves to the first non-space character, e.g., the beginning of \item, and sometimes it goes other positions. There is no clear patterns where the cursor would go.

The same problem occurs when SHIFT is pressed to select text. As a result, I cannot select, say, exactly a few lines of text without including the leading spaces of the line after the selected area.

Moving the cursor up and down from the middle of a line seems okay.


  • Tim Hoffmann

    Tim Hoffmann - 2013-05-07

    Not reproducible here. Are you sure, you are not using tabs for indentation?

    If so, please post an example tex code where this happens.

  • Jinzhong Niu

    Jinzhong Niu - 2013-05-07

    Looks like this occurs when a long paragraph is involved. See the attached example.

  • Tim Hoffmann

    Tim Hoffmann - 2013-05-13

    Confirmed. Seems like it is a bug related to the automatic wrapping/indenting in QCE.

  • Parham

    Parham - 2018-12-03

    Is it possible to fix this? This is kinda annoying especially during text selection using "Shift+Up" or "Shift+Down". For example, if you start selecting text at the beginning of a line and shift up or down, the expected behaviour is that the curser stays at the beginning of the line.


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