Jan Sundermeyer - 2023-09-26

deinstall old texstudio first.

On 26.09.23 08:36, Ticket #2497: Installing TeXStudio 4.6.0 in Ubuntu
18.04.6 LTS wrote:

[bugs:#2497] https://sourceforge.net/p/texstudio/bugs/2497/
Installing TeXStudio 4.6.0 in Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS

Status: open
Created: Tue Sep 26, 2023 06:36 AM UTC by Anonymous
Last Updated: Tue Sep 26, 2023 06:36 AM UTC
Owner: nobody

I could not install the latest version of TexStudio (4.6.3) in my
Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS.
I used to download by synaptic desktop (package manager) from all
repositories, as you see in the attachment while it is installing the
TeXStudio 4.6.3 package any part have not installed.
I do not know how to manage this, have you got any advice?
Thank you very much

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Bugs: #2497