
#2416 ALT+X invokes external PDF viewer despite shortcut being set to CTRL+ALT+X


Whilst edititing a tex source, when I press ALT+Xm external PDF viewer opens. The shorcut in menu (translated by me from Polish to English, so I may be not 100% accurate: Options->Configure->Shortcuts->Menus PDF-Viewer->External Viewer) is set to CTRL+ALT+X though.
I use Polish version of Windows 10 Pro v. 1803 and my TexStudio version is 2.12.14.


  • Tim Hoffmann

    Tim Hoffmann - 2019-01-28

    Do you mean to press the shortcut AltGr+X? If so, here is the explanation what happens:

    Since the resulting character on a polish keyboard would be a "less/greater equal", which is not a common character, I would not add that shortcut to the exclude list. You should change the shortcut of the external viewer yourself if you want to use AltGr+X in TeXstudio.

    • Łukasz Górski

      Łukasz Górski - 2019-01-29

      I am the author of the original bug report, had to create an account to reply.

      Yes, I meant AltGr+X shortcut and thank you for your explanation.

      However, the remark that the combination inserts "less/greater equal" is not accurate. The most commonly used keyboard layout in Poland is so-called "Programmer's keyboard" ( In this layout AltGr+X inserts the letter "ź" (U+017A, latin small letter z with acute), which is one of the letters in Polish alphabet (, second to last letter in alphabetic sequence). In my opinion the basic letter of alphabet in a given language deserves a place on an exclusion list. I am unaware of the name of keyboard layout that uses combination AltGr+X to insert "less/greater equal".


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