Regradless of the version of texstudio, whenever I place my cursor on top of a \cite{ref} piece of text in an open document, the screen glitches, then the computer freezes, followed by a teal-cloured screen and finished with the login screen
I also tried compiling texstudio myself, and the problem persists
OS X version 10.13.1
This is what I can find on "console" seconds before a crash
Dec 1 14:01:09 C02SQ0PLFVH4 texstudio[17779]: BUG in libdispatch client: kevent[mach_recv] monitored resource vanished before the source cancel handler was invoked
Dec 1 14:02:05 C02SQ0PLFVH4 texstudio[17786]: BUG in libdispatch client: kevent[mach_recv] monitored resource vanished before the source cancel handler was invoked
I recently encountered a similar problem, also in MacOS 10.13.1, although there is no apparent screen glitch or teal-colored screen. It jumps straight to login. Also, it is not always reproducible, but seems that a second reference in the same \cite command causes the bug. Turning off autocompletion fixes it, but that's not ideal..
Last edit: Eivind Moe Hammersmark 2017-12-08
how do I turn off autocomletion?
There are different aspects of autocompletion that can be toggled on and off, but I think unchecking Options -> Completion -> "Automatically start completer when typing LaTeX-Commands" is sufficient.
I've only experienced problems when cite-commands are autocompleted (and references are listed). Manual invocation of autocompletion can be done by pressing Ctrl+Space on Windows, not sure what the MacOs shortcut is (I'm on a Windows computer atm.).
hmmm, a crash to login sounds rather like a qt/osx bug.
I don't have a OSX 10.13 system to test, so there is not much I can do about it.
I am the person who posted the bug. Today at work a colleague and I verified that it happened in another macbook pro running high sierra 10.13 with a fresh install of mactex.
Have you found a reproducible way how to trigger the bug? If so, please provide a minimal example/description.
Yes. Bear with me.... I have posted the text for the .tex file, and separately the text corresponding to the .bib file.
Simply put them together in a folder, open the .tex file with texstudio running on highsierra
hover the mouse over
and the screen will freeze and you will be logged out
but I have just found out that commenting-out the
abstract from the bib entry solves the issue.
This however is not ideal
\usepackage{graphicx,amsmath, amsfonts,amssymb,subfigure,dsfont,natbib,hyperref,color}
\journal{Nano Today}
%% `Elsevier LaTeX' style
\biboptions{sort&compress, comma}
\newcommand{\vect}[1]{\vec{\mathbf{ #1}}}
\title{A research paper}
Needs a summary and keywords
Hover your mouse over the cite command \cite{Zhou_SA2016a}
%% This BibTeX bibliography file was created using BibDesk.
%% Created for Daniel Gomez at 2017-12-08 18:55:36 +1100
%% Saved with string encoding Unicode (UTF-8)
Abstract = {The study of ideal absorbers, which can efficiently absorb light over a broad range of wavelengths, is of fundamental importance, as well as critical for many applications from solar steam generation and thermophotovoltaics to light/thermal detectors. As a result of recent advances in plasmonics, plasmonic absorbers have attracted a lot of attention. However, the performance and scalability of these absorbers, predominantly fabricated by the top-down approach, need to be further improved to enable widespread applications. We report a plasmonic absorber which can enable an average measured absorbance of ~99\% across the wavelengths from 400 nm to 10 μm, the most efficient and broadband plasmonic absorber reported to date. The absorber is fabricated through self-assembly of metallic nanoparticles onto a nanoporous template by a one-step deposition process. Because of its efficient light absorption, strong field enhancement, and porous structures, which together enable not only efficient solar absorption but also significant local heating and continuous stream flow, plasmonic absorber{\textendash}based solar steam generation has over 90\% efficiency under solar irradiation of only 4-sun intensity (4 kW m-2). The pronounced light absorption effect coupled with the high-throughput self-assembly process could lead toward large-scale manufacturing of other nanophotonic structures and devices.},
Author = {Zhou, Lin and Tan, Yingling and Ji, Dengxin and Zhu, Bin and Zhang, Pei and Xu, Jun and Gan, Qiaoqiang and Yu, Zongfu and Zhu, Jia},
Date-Added = {2017-12-08 07:55:07 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2017-12-08 07:55:07 +0000},
Doi = {10.1126/sciadv.1501227},
Journal = {Science Advances},
Number = {4},
Title = {Self-assembly of highly efficient, broadband plasmonic absorbers for solar steam generation},
Volume = {2},
Year = {2016},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
So, with the abstract it crashes, without it's ok? I assume, it's then a problem iwth the tooltips on OSX. Could you do the following tests:
withinNote to the developers: Maybe OSX chokes on very long toolip lines? If so, 6838 (d12d6f6b8c75) "limit length of lines in bibtex tooltips" would already be the solution.
Last edit: Tim Hoffmann 2017-12-17
Hi Tim
It does not crash when I shorten the abstract! even when using \%.
I had the same problem, but the culprit was long filenames in the .bib file for the associated documents. These filenames were created by BibDesk.
Deleted file names (since I wasn't using the linked files), and problem solved.
Would be a pain, though, for someone who did use the files as linked through BibDesk.
Hi all,
I have a similar issue -- using TeXstudio 2.12.6 on OS X 10.13.2, TeXstudio occasionally crashes when typing a cite key. When I get about halfway through typing the cite key, TeXstudio crashes and it takes me to the OS X login screen. I am using the .bib file that is automatically updated by Zotero, but the problem also occurs when no Zotero processes are running.
Here's a minimal example that consistently reproduces the problem on my computer:
1. Open document.tex in TeXstudio
2. Attempt to type \cite{wipf2010robust}
3. On my computer, I cannot type the entire citekey without a crash to the login screen
Hi Matt,
You probably solved this already, but in case not: I'd try making a local file of the .bib file, and cut out the abstracts. That will allow you type up your manuscript without causing crashes. If you want to use the abstract info, then for your final compile switch to the Zotero-updated .bib file.
Hi all,
I am also seeing this issue where hovering over a citation key, or inserting a new citation, sometimes causes the app to crash and takes me to the OS X login screen and all the programs need to relaunch. Like Tim Hoffman said, it seems to be a problem with the tooltips on OS X that are too long. He noticed there is a fix to truncate long tooltips on Windows :6838 (d12d6f6b8c75), but has this been applied to OSX?
It's applied to the code base and will be part of the next release.
Great, thanks for your reply. Do you know if this will fix the crashes and forced login screen?