hehe_br - 2018-03-26

I have observed this from some months ago in KDE5.
I have even tried my own icons but for some reason it does not show either png or svg formats for texstudio either the taskbar or list of apps.
I have had a go now and just copied the contents from texstudio.svg in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/ to another file that was showing normally the icon, and I named it texstudioOK.svg.
So I edited the icon for TeXstudio through KDE's right click "Edit application" and set it to the new icon and it was showing normally in both taskbar and list of apps.
Then I deleted the old texstudio.svg and renamed the new one to texstudio.svg, then it stopped showing the icon. I renamed the file to texstudioOK.svg and now it works fine.
I have no idea what the problem is, but any name besides "texstudio" the icon shows just fine.
I hope it may help!
Thanks for the good work with TeXstudio! =]]