
#1434 TeXstudio 2.10.0_win_qt5.5.0 - Automatically load include files


System: Windows 8.1 (64 bit) + TeX Live 2015 + TeXstudio 2.10.0_win_qt5.5.0
(It is the first TXS installing on my PC.)

I use the following setting:
Options | Configure TeXstudio | Editor | (Checked) Automatically load include files

If I use a big project (main file and subfiles) with some \label, then the \ref completer doesn't show the all labels of the document, only in two-three minutes. Perhaps it is a memory using problem... (?)

This setting causes another error too: When I open the main file of a big project, TXS send a message:
"TeXstudio has CRASHED due to a EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION at 6889627b"


EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION at 6889627b (TXS-Version 5477:02a5c6f7efd6 R )
[bt] 00555a40 ??? error: 487
[bt] 6889627b ZN14QReadWriteLock11lockForReadEv+11
[bt] 008c1089 ??? error: 487
[bt] 005db01b ??? error: 487
[bt] 005e2b2e ??? error: 487
[bt] 005e3ec8 ??? error: 487
[bt] 005e22ca ??? error: 487
[bt] 00473dd8 ??? error: 487
[bt] 00485671 ??? error: 487
[bt] 0048c14b ??? error: 487
[bt] 68a221f2 ZN11QMetaObject8activateEP7QObjectiiPPv+1746
[bt] 0078e954 ??? error: 487
[bt] 005e2407 ??? error: 487
[bt] 00473dd8 ??? error: 487
[bt] 00485671 ??? error: 487
[bt] 0049155d ??? error: 487
[bt] 00404bfa ??? error: 487
[bt] 00404d7d ??? error: 487
[bt] 007a9582 ??? error: 487

It is working in texstudio2.9.4_win_qt5.4.1.


Bugs: #1434


  • Jan  Sundermeyer

    Jan Sundermeyer - 2015-09-11

    we probably need an example to provok the crash.
    Can you provide the files ?
    You can send them to me directly via email.

  • hair-splitter

    hair-splitter - 2015-09-11

    What is your e-mail address?

  • Jan  Sundermeyer

    Jan Sundermeyer - 2015-09-11

  • hair-splitter

    hair-splitter - 2015-09-11

    I have sent it.

  • Jan  Sundermeyer

    Jan Sundermeyer - 2015-09-11

    now, I have fixed the crash (in the repository)
    What references/bibids don't work ?

  • hair-splitter

    hair-splitter - 2015-09-11

    I have sent an e-mail about \ref bug.

  • Jan  Sundermeyer

    Jan Sundermeyer - 2015-09-11

    I don't see that bug here, probably related to the crash.

  • hair-splitter

    hair-splitter - 2015-09-12

    In TeXstudio 2.10.0 (hg 5489+:94d97ce8b96f+) the error message and the \ref bug ceased, but it do another one. Please open the main file from the project sent by me. Then the TXS loads the main file and a subfile, but I don't know why. There isn't this bug in a smaller project.

  • Jan  Sundermeyer

    Jan Sundermeyer - 2015-09-12

    I don't understand the description of the bug ...

    -------- Ursprüngliche Nachricht --------
    Von hair-splitter
    Datum: 12.09.2015 12:51 (GMT+01:00)
    An "[texstudio:bugs]"
    Betreff [texstudio:bugs] #1434 TeXstudio 2.10.0_win_qt5.5.0 - Automatically load include files

    In TeXstudio 2.10.0 (hg 5489+:94d97ce8b96f+) the error message and the \ref bug ceased, but it do another one. Please open the main file from the project sent by me. Then the TXS loads the main file and a subfile, but I don't know why. There isn't this bug in a smaller project.

    [bugs:#1434] TeXstudio 2.10.0_win_qt5.5.0 - Automatically load include files

    Status: open
    Created: Fri Sep 11, 2015 04:03 PM UTC by hair-splitter
    Last Updated: Sat Sep 12, 2015 10:09 AM UTC
    Owner: nobody

    System: Windows 8.1 (64 bit) + TeX Live 2015 + TeXstudio 2.10.0_win_qt5.5.0
    (It is the first TXS installing on my PC.)

    I use the following setting:
    Options | Configure TeXstudio | Editor | (Checked) Automatically load include files

    If I use a big project (main file and subfiles) with some \label, then the \ref completer doesn't show the all labels of the document, only in two-three minutes. Perhaps it is a memory using problem... (?)

    This setting causes another error too: When I open the main file of a big project, TXS send a message:
    "TeXstudio has CRASHED due to a EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION at 6889627b"


    EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION at 6889627b (TXS-Version 5477:02a5c6f7efd6 R )
    [bt] 00555a40 ??? error: 487
    [bt] 6889627b ZN14QReadWriteLock11lockForReadEv+11
    [bt] 008c1089 ??? error: 487
    [bt] 005db01b ??? error: 487
    [bt] 005e2b2e ??? error: 487
    [bt] 005e3ec8 ??? error: 487
    [bt] 005e22ca ??? error: 487
    [bt] 00473dd8 ??? error: 487
    [bt] 00485671 ??? error: 487
    [bt] 0048c14b ??? error: 487
    [bt] 68a221f2 ZN11QMetaObject8activateEP7QObjectiiPPv+1746
    [bt] 0078e954 ??? error: 487
    [bt] 005e2407 ??? error: 487
    [bt] 00473dd8 ??? error: 487
    [bt] 00485671 ??? error: 487
    [bt] 0049155d ??? error: 487
    [bt] 00404bfa ??? error: 487
    [bt] 00404d7d ??? error: 487
    [bt] 007a9582 ??? error: 487

    It is working in texstudio2.9.4_win_qt5.4.1.

    Sent from because you indicated interest in

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    Bugs: #1434

  • Jan  Sundermeyer

    Jan Sundermeyer - 2015-09-12

    By the way, unless you have created an elaborate cwl file of your own, putting the preamble in a local package (style-file) cripples the capabilities of txs significantly.
    txs does not read local sty-files.
    Rename it to .tex and include it via \input.
    txs then knows what packages you use and syntax checking, interpreting of commands and completion works much better. (and it understands lstlisting encvironments and tries not to interpret command with in that environment)

  • Jan  Sundermeyer

    Jan Sundermeyer - 2015-09-12
    • status: open --> fixed
    • Group: -->
  • hair-splitter

    hair-splitter - 2015-09-13

    Thank you very much! Now every okay. TXS is the best:)


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