
#1400 Font of active paragraph contracts, in dual screen setup


In a dual screen setup (Windows 8.1, check box for "let me choose a scaling for each screen NOT checked"), the font of the current paragraph becomes tiny for some reason.
The two screens are quite different in PPI (one is high DPI screen, the other is a regular ~100 ppi screen). When moving the window from the higDPI (Notebook) screen to the lower DPI screen, things initially look crazy, then everything is fine after the first window redraw. Except: The font of the active paragraph (the one which has the cursor) is much smaller than the rest of the editor text. I believe that might actually be the correct size, whereas the font in the rest of the editor is too large.

When switching font size in such a setup, the editor also messes up the font spacings completely, until a restart of the program.

By and large, TexStudio is doing quite OK in highDPI screens. I am not going back for sure!


Bugs: #1417


  • Jan  Sundermeyer

    Jan Sundermeyer - 2015-08-07

    you could play around with the rendering settings

  • Benito van der Zander

    From a mail:

    In case anyone else asks you for this problem, I have the solution. The problem was the extended monitor. In Windows Display Settings, one monitor was set to scale text/images/apps 125% and one 100%. When I changed those two scaling to match, the problem went away.

  • Jan  Sundermeyer

    Jan Sundermeyer - 2015-08-28

    has anybody an idea on how to fix this ?

  • Tim Hoffmann

    Tim Hoffmann - 2015-08-28

    It seems that the font for the active paragraph determines it's magnification from the wrong screen. Since other text appears to be right, it should basically be fixable. So:

    • Create a setup to reproduce the bug 1)
    • Debug the Fonts used in rendering and find out, why code paths for the current paragraph and other paragraphs yield different results.

    Note: It may also be related to [bugs:#534]

    1) That may be the harder part. I don't have a Win8x multi-monitor device around (only a Win8 Tablet without external ports; or a Win7 device, which does not help, because Win7 doesn't allow separate scaling for different monitors).



    Bugs: #534

  • Benito van der Zander

    The only code path difference seems to be the line cache...

  • Tim Hoffmann

    Tim Hoffmann - 2015-09-09

    @Anyone with a multi-monitor Win8 setup, who can reproduce the issue: Could you please check, if this fixes the problem:

    • deactivate Options -> Advanced Editor -> Hacks/Workarounds -> Try to automatically choose best display options
    • activate Disable cache of rendered lines below.
    • You may also try the different Render modes in the same section.
  • Jan  Sundermeyer

    Jan Sundermeyer - 2015-09-09

    alternative test: try to increase font size for editor (default is probably 9) to something larger.
    This fixed a similar problem here.

  • Jan  Sundermeyer

    Jan Sundermeyer - 2015-10-02

    no feedback

  • Jan  Sundermeyer

    Jan Sundermeyer - 2015-10-02
    • status: open --> closed
    • Group: -->
  • controlcb

    controlcb - 2015-11-04

    Just had this problem. Checking 'Disable cache of rendered lines' does not help (makes all text too small). Changing the render mode from QCE to Qt fixes this.

  • Tim Hoffmann

    Tim Hoffmann - 2015-11-04

    Does ist work with Qt rendering mode and caching of the rendered lines?

  • controlcb

    controlcb - 2015-11-12

    No. Qt render mode with only 'Disable cache of rendered lines' is unchecked and causes the line height problem shown in the attached image.
    Qt mode with only 'Disable fixed pitch mode' checked fixes the attached problem but re-introduces the original problem in the first comment.


    Last edit: controlcb 2015-11-12
  • Tim Hoffmann

    Tim Hoffmann - 2015-11-12

    I currently don't have a Win8+ Multimonitor setup to test this.
    Moreover Qt 5.6 will be released in December which will come with better support for different scalings on different monitors. I expect that the resolution of the problem will be easier then.

    Therefore this issue will stay open for a while.

      • status: closed --> open

    Last edit: Tim Hoffmann 2015-11-12

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