Arthur C. - 2011-12-22

Please follow these instructions to install and configure your router:

  1. download firmware .bin file from this site and save it to your PC
  2. connect an Ethernet cable between your PC and the router (use only the LAN ports, not the WAN)
  3. disable any wireless on your PC to ensure a wired connection to the router
  4. reset the router by pushing the tiny reset button at the back for about 10 seconds, then let go
  5. the default router IP will be; your PC will get an IP in the same range, like
  6. open your web browser and type in the address bar
  7. the management interface will load and ask for a login: use 'admin' (no quote marks) for both user and password
  8. configure your options as you like, but make sure your turn off DHCP server to avoid connflicts (see screen capture on this site)
  9. set your wireless exactly like your main wireless router, including password, SSID and encryption
  10. save the settings and reboot the router
  11. once the router is ready and you see the login screen again, go to any web site (do not turn your PC's wireless on) and it should work (give it about 30 seconds moreif not)
  12. right now, the router works as a wireless card and provides Internet access to the LAN ports at the back; you can connect PC's, Blu-Ray players, TV's, any device that has an Ethernet port but no wireless.

Last edit: Arthur C. 2011-12-22