
Sorting of test cases and catalogs

  • Christian

    Christian - 2013-01-08


    i like to change the sorting of my (sub)catalogs and test cases. At the moment they are sorted by name. But i like to see the items in the correct order for the execution.

    In our last attempt we added numbers to the test case, so the order was correct but we got troubles when we wanted to add a new test case in the middle or delete one. In this case we have to fix all the numbers of the corresponding section.

    Maybe you can add something that helps to sort the catalog/test cases and to add test cases to any position without changing other items manually.


  • Michael Schnick

    Michael Schnick - 2013-01-09


    I second this request.

    I am in the exactly same situation, and I found it tediously to keep the correct order, even with a small number of tests in a catalog.


  • Roberto Longobardi

    Hi guys,
    I think I understand your problem....

    One solution may be to be able to use drag-n-drop ro rearrange the order of test cases in the test plan tree view...

    This would be not so easy to implement, anyway :D

    Can you think of any other solution?


  • Christian

    Christian - 2013-01-16

    I always work in the table view. There it would be nice to have something like
    1. select a test case
    2. press up/down button
    3. done

    And to have a possibility to add a row at any position (like table behavior in wysiwyg editor)
    Maybe it is possible to use some mechanism like the multi-select test case functionality.
    e.g. select one test case or sub catalog and then you have the buttons up, down, add testcase after/before, done.

    But I would also be happy with a solution outside of the TM tab.
    Maybe you could add a special page where you could select a catalog. And then show a control with all sub catalogs and test cases of this catalog. In this control i could rearrange the test cases/sub catalogs and save the order.
    Afterwards the TM tab shows the saved order.

    I don't know if this is possible or simpler, but this one is my most valuable feature.


  • Roberto Longobardi

    I'm working on this feature right now.

    What I'm doing is to:

    • Add a column in the test case table to record the order o the test case in the catalog. The same order will be automatically set also for all the test plans in which the test case is (or has been).

    • Creating a new test case from the test catalog page positions it at the bottom of the catalog.

    • Add a button at the bottom of the test catalog page, "Organize Catalog", which opens a dialog box with a tree-table, similar to the usual table view, showing the whole catalog (with sub catalogs). Only the title of each catalog or test case is shown.

      • You are free to drag and drop test cases around, defining the execution order in the catalog, as well as moving or copying (using Ctrl) them into a different catalog.
      • You can create a new test case in a specified position inside the catalog.
      • The dialog has a "Save" button that saves the settings.

    I'm aware that the most flexible solution would be to be able to specify, for the same catalog, different test case orders in different test plans, but this would require significant additional effort.

    Is it really what you need, or is the execution order generally the same across test plans?

    Let me know.


  • Christian

    Christian - 2013-01-21

    Hi Roberto,

    I don't need a special order for testplans. I think the described behavior will fit my expectations very well. =)

    Is it possible that i could drag whole sub catalogs in the organize catalog dialog?

  • Roberto Longobardi

    Hi all,
    I just uploaded a BETA version of 1.5.3:
    containing this feature, along with feature:

    Please, give it a try and let me know what you think.

    The binaries are for Python 2.7 and I've tested both a clean installation and an upgrade from 1.5.2.

    You will find a new button in each test catalog page, "Organize catalog", which opens a dialog to reorganize the test cases. You'll be able to move test cases (not entire catalogs) aroubd and to change their order.

    Every test plan will inherit this order, and also the CSV export will keep it.

    Let me know. Ciao,

  • Christian

    Christian - 2013-03-19

    Hi Roberto,
    sorry for the late response.

    But now i had the chance to check the beta version.

    First the design of the organization looks well. But i miss the possibility to change the order of the test catalogs. For test cases the drag and drop works well but catalogs won't keep their new position.

    Is it possible to expand the organization feature to the catalogs?

    And it seems that the copy function (crtl) does not work. At least i wasn't able to copy a test case..



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