
#4996 Make easyHeads correctly heed the fontSize context property


Unlike normal note heads, the note heads used after easyHeadsOn don’t correctly heed the fontSize context property, as altered by \huge and similar. The size of the letters in the note heads is changed indeed, but not the note heads themselves.

\version "2.19.49"
mus = {
  c' d' e' f'
  c' d' e' f'
  c' d' e' f'
  \new Staff { \huge \mus }
  \new Staff { \teeny \mus }
1 Attachments


  • Simon Albrecht

    Simon Albrecht - 2016-11-12

    The problem also occurs when overriding NoteHead.font-size directly, which also highlights the actual problem behind this. The actual NoteHead is not taken from a font with easyHeadsOn, which is why it doesn’t respond to font size settings.
    Nevertheless I consider the feature request valid.

  • Thomas Morley

    Thomas Morley - 2016-11-12

    More precisely, the note-head for easyHeads is constructed with note-head::brew-ez-stencil from scm/output-lib.scm. The used markup-commands are ensuring the final circle fits exactly between staff-lines by looking at staff-space (and line-thickness). So any size of the font will take no effect on the note-head-circle, unless staff-space changes.

    In other words, the current coding disregards font changes by purpose.

    So I'd say a design-decision is needed.

    Obviously Simon votes for making it more flexible.

  • Simon Albrecht

    Simon Albrecht - 2016-11-12

    Well, so my vote would be, but I’d say it counts very little, since I have no experience at all using these easyHeads, nor do I know the reasoning behind wanting their size altered.
    Still, the analogy to normal note heads suggests that it would be more consistent and intuitive to have their size follow along, in spite of not fitting the staff lines.


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