Thomas Morley - 2016-10-22

I had a look into it.

First, please, please!! use plain text while providing code.
Following the link above I see no code at all, neither in Gilbertos initial mail to the list.
worked, yes, but it's tedious to search which archive displays what...

On topic:
\crossStaff reverts the style property, but not a stencil set by the user. Those stencils, predefined in flag-styles.scm mostly don't read the style-property at all. As opposed to the stencil defined in C++, iiuc, and the default-flag defined in the same .scm-file

So what's the proper fix?
One could simply temporary set the stencil to #no-flag in crossStaff.
Or one could return an empty stencil for every scheme-defined stencil, if style is 'no-flag.
That would mean to change normal-flag, mensural-flag, flat-flag, old-straight-flag and modern-straight-flag as defined in flag-styles.scm.
The there defined default-flag looks at this condition already.
Ok, a completely independent user defined flag-stencil will likely not look at the style-property, but we could make the procedures predefined in flag-styles.scm respecting it. A complete new code is in the responsibility of the programmer anyway.

So, I lean to (2), looks cleaner to me to give style 'no-flag more or less the same weight as stencil #no-flag.
But maybe I overlook something.
