
Tree [b098cb] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit 2014-06-18 U-Carlos-PC\Carlos U-Carlos-PC\Carlos [ada929] UPDATED README 2014-06-18 U-Carlos-PC\Carlos U-Carlos-PC\Carlos [ada929] UPDATED README
 ResourceIcons.qrc 2014-06-15 carlosb carlosb [2acf6a] Initial commit
 Thumbs.db 2014-06-15 carlosb carlosb [2acf6a] Initial commit
 gear.png 2014-06-15 carlosb carlosb [2acf6a] Initial commit
 help.png 2014-06-15 carlosb carlosb [2acf6a] Initial commit
 info.png 2014-06-15 carlosb carlosb [2acf6a] Initial commit
 load.png 2014-06-15 carlosb carlosb [2acf6a] Initial commit
 main.cpp 2014-06-18 U-Carlos-PC\Carlos U-Carlos-PC\Carlos [ada929] UPDATED README
 mainwindow.cpp 2014-06-18 carlosb carlosb [b098cb] test-maker-0.02
 mainwindow.h 2014-06-18 carlosb carlosb [b098cb] test-maker-0.02
 mainwindow.ui 2014-06-18 carlosb carlosb [b098cb] test-maker-0.02
 moleskine.png 2014-06-15 carlosb carlosb [2acf6a] Initial commit
 new.png 2014-06-15 carlosb carlosb [2acf6a] Initial commit
 open.png 2014-06-15 carlosb carlosb [2acf6a] Initial commit
 print.png 2014-06-15 carlosb carlosb [2acf6a] Initial commit
 save.png 2014-06-15 carlosb carlosb [2acf6a] Initial commit
 save_all.png 2014-06-15 carlosb carlosb [2acf6a] Initial commit
 settings.cpp 2014-06-18 U-Carlos-PC\Carlos U-Carlos-PC\Carlos [ada929] UPDATED README
 settings.h 2014-06-18 U-Carlos-PC\Carlos U-Carlos-PC\Carlos [ada929] UPDATED README
 settings.ui 2014-06-18 U-Carlos-PC\Carlos U-Carlos-PC\Carlos [ada929] UPDATED README
 test-maker-resource.qrc 2014-06-18 U-Carlos-PC\Carlos U-Carlos-PC\Carlos [ada929] UPDATED README 2014-06-18 U-Carlos-PC\Carlos U-Carlos-PC\Carlos [ada929] UPDATED README 2014-06-18 carlosb carlosb [b098cb] test-maker-0.02

Read Me


So I'm developing an app for my mum that needs to make her exams in an efficient manner. She needs to input the questions
and answers to the program and the program must scramble the questions to create different series of test
I have used some of the icons from Linux... although I'm not sure which distro or version.


The UI should be pretty self intuitive but here's a rundown of how it works:
Add question and Add answer buttons are to do what their name says. However you MUST select the answer you want to add the question(s) to in the white box where they are stored. After you have a set of questions you like and you wish to save that list for future reference then you can click "Save-As" and the program will store it in .csv format. If you wish to export the questions to .pdf then you can go to 'Export' or File > Export to PDF.

Once you have a saved file (one that contains the questions and answers) then you can go to File > Open and select which file you want. Then you have to click 'Load' or go to Edit > Load. Both do the exact same thing.

If you wish to add a logo just go to Edit > Settings and there should be an option that says 'Add logo'. Search for your logo and the program will automatically add it. However there are certain restrictions: it will be on the left hand side of the exported document and it will be 200x200 so a square picture is recommended.

Custom header

There is an option to add a custom header. If you know a bit of HTML then the in the text-input you can type the HTML format you need. If you select this option then the program will disregard the current header.