
tenjin / News: Recent posts

pyTenjin 0.7.0 released - Google AppEngine support


I have released pyTenjin 0.7.0

pyTenjin is the fastest template engine for Python.
It is not only very fast but also full-featured and easy-to-use.
You can embed Python statements and expressions into your text file.
Tenjin converts it into Python program and evaluate it.

* very fast
- x2 faster than Mako
- x3 faster than Cheetah and Myghty
- x9 faster than Django
- x60 faster than Kid
* Full-featured
- layout template
- partial template
- capturing
- preprocessing
- and so on...... read more

Posted by Kuwata Makoto 2009-05-24

jsTenjin 0.0.3 released - bug fix release

I have released jsTenjin 0.0.3.

Tenjin is a very fast and full-featured template engine
implemented in Python, Ruby, Perl, JavaScript, and PHP.

This is a bug fix release.


* In Tenjin.Engine(), 'path' parameter was ignored. Now fixed. (thanks Matthew!)

Posted by Kuwata Makoto 2008-12-21

pyTenjin 0.6.2 - a fast and full-featured template engine

I have released pyTenjin 0.6.2.
This is a tiny bug fix release.

Tenjin is a very fast and full-featured temlate engine.
You can embed Python statements and expressions into your text file.
Tenjin converts it into Python program and evaluate it.

How fast Tenjin is? It is about:
* x2 faster than Mako
* x3 faster than Cheetah and Myghty
* x9 faster than Django
* x60 faster than Kid
You can see the detail of benchmark at:
(benchmark script is included in pyTenjin distribution.)... read more

Posted by Kuwata Makoto 2008-02-27

pltenjin 0.0.2 released - the fastest template engine

I have released plTenjin 0.0.2.

plTenjin is a temlate engine for Perl.
It is the fastest template engine in the Perl world.
plTenjin is about five times faster than Template-Toolkit
in spite of plTenjin is implemented in pure Perl.
In addition, plTenjin is full-featured and easy-to-use.
See user's guide and examples for dettails.

Release 0.0.2 (2008-02-26)
--------------------------... read more

Posted by Kuwata Makoto 2008-02-27

rbTenjin 0.6.2 released

I have released rbTenjin 0.6.2.

rbTenjin is very fast and full-featured template engine for Ruby.
It is faster and more powerful than eRuby.

== Release 0.6.2 (2008-02-24)

* Rubinius supported.

* Changed to convert texts before expressions into spaces when
command-line option '-S' specified.

ex. hoge.rbhtml
<?rb for item in @list ?>
<?rb end ?>... read more

Posted by Kuwata Makoto 2008-02-24

phpTenjin 0.0.2 released - fastest template engine for PHP

I have released phpTenjin 0.0.2.

phpTenjin is very fast and full-featured template engine for PHP.
It is about 3 times faster than Smarty.

Changes from 0.0.1:

* When '-S', '-a retrieve', '-X', or '-a statements' specified,
phptenjin command replaces text before expressions into spaces
and print it.

* [Bugfix]

* pytenjin command printed "\n\n" instead of "\n" when '-U' specified.
Fixed to print "\n".... read more

Posted by Kuwata Makoto 2008-02-24

[ANN] rbTenjin 0.6.1 released - the fastest template engine

I have released rbTenjin 0.6.1.

rbTenjin is a fast and full-featured template engine similar to eRuby
but it has a lot of advantages against to eRuby and ERB.

Posted by Kuwata Makoto 2008-02-07