
TenderSystem / News: Recent posts

0.9.5 Beta released


It's been a long time since our last release but as you can see from the change log beneath we have been quite busy.

<b>0.9.5 change log</b>

<b>Additional features</b>
- Delete queued message from message log
- Statistics module: Average RFQ value, total RFQ value and conversion rate
- Overview module: Display complete company and supplier overview
- Edit multiple quotes simultaneously
- Purchase order cancellation: Email to supplier and option to insert cancellation fee
- Valid Items: Export Deliver / Install spreadsheet (CSV),
- Birthday module: Email admin of upcoming birthdays
- API / GUI password authentication (dynamic IP addresses)
- RFQ award - option to award to self (internal purchases) as well as option not to display cash-settlement, invalidate or Non-Tender supplier
- Approval:
- Open RFQ: Can be re-opened after closed, even if no quotes received, but not after awarded
- SMS notification: Include RFQ items but limit to settings quantity SMS fields
- Lunch break: Apparently some countries still have lunch breaks
- Service rating: Email suppliers when rated by a user
- Email priority setting
- Branch representative editable
- RFQ request: Model number units such as kg, ltr, tons, barrels, etc. generated dynamically from XML spreadsheet
- Left admin: Option to display company and supplier admin in main frame as IE can not scroll left frame
- Report: Group by Item, Group by Price and Awarded Report, AJAX RFQ reference drop down, option to change report type on report and quick this month / last month selection
- Usage: Display next fields for award, approve and module loader.
- RFQ profile upgraded with submit quote (if RFQ open), add quote (if RFQ closed) and award if uncompleted, option to select exact closing date instead of period
- Currency: Option to display currency after value such as 0.00$ as displayed like that in some countries
- RFQ Admin Approval: Option to exclude agents and add additional items when approving with AJAX table
- Birthday - Tel # in admin email
- Permission bash shell - execute with --help option for instructions
- .htaccess ensure that no php files executed under module if not passed through main file and prevent any api files from being executed / viewed... read more

Posted by chriserasmus 2006-09-19

TenderSystem language packs

Spanish, German, French, Italian and Portuguese language packs have been uploaded for TenderSystem

Please note that the language packs were translated by Google so should only be used as a basis. Please send us any updated language packs and we will release them to the community.

Posted by chriserasmus 2006-06-22

TenderSystem Released

TenderSystem Beta has been released. This is a critical security fix and we recommend that everyone upgrade to the new version immediately.

As stated yesterday a server may be compromised if register_globals are active in PHP. We still recommend that you deactivate register globals as it is a massive security risk even if you have upgraded.

Posted by chriserasmus 2006-06-07

TenderSystem 0.9.4 Released

Hi All!

As usual go and download the new distribution and enjoy. You can now also use the auto upgrade functionality if TenderSystem is already installed.


1. HTML output - Gzip compression and whiteline strip
2. Supplier ratings module open sourced


#1464147 - Excess defaults to $0.00 if larger than item value
#1472192 - Supplier can view other RFQ supplier
#1490163 - RFQ quote submission after RFQ closed
Auto upgrade and theme manager fixed
Populate user delete fields
Statistic filter
Email formats
Reports - Service fee calculation
Many smaller bugs... read more

Posted by chriserasmus 2006-05-30

TenderSystem 0.9.3 Beta released


You know the drill, TenderSystem has been upgraded to 0.9.3 Beta so hope you enjoy.

As usual please send any bugs or improvements.

Change log:

Bug fixes:

#1448982 - Add Product Broken when requesting a Tender
#1449485 - Supplier search - category and sub-category not filtered
#1449585 - Javascript Error (Supplier Left Admin) - IE only
#1452076 - Closed report bug
#1455400 - Closing time changed
#1458166 - XSL error when loading valid items incorrectly
#1464142 - Auto close not working with multiple internet quotes
#1464145 - Double delivery fee levied to same supplier
Valid items inserted as R0.00 when NQ
NQs loaded as position 1+
Many smaller bugs... read more

Posted by chriserasmus 2006-04-06

Community Choice Awards Nominee


TenderSystem is selected as a 2006 Community Choice Awards Nominee in the financial category.

Please go and vote for TenderSystem before 23 March at:

Posted by chriserasmus 2006-03-23

TenderSystem 0.9.1 Beta Released

TenderSystem 0.9.1 Beta has been released.

1. Show tender and session panel enhanced
2. Second folder menu created
3. Branch comment default to none

1. Default themes fixed
2. Brand create error fixed
3. Sub category create error fixed
4. RFQ close - assesment requirement fixed
5. Default deliver setting fixed
6. Many smaller bugs and eye candy-

Posted by chriserasmus 2006-03-12

TenderSystem 0.9 Beta Released

TenderSystem 0.9 Beta
28 February 2006

1. New Control Panel with better overview
2. Images/Text Email Option
3. Cancel Purchase Order
4. Add Late Quotes
5. Edit Quotes

1. Major stability and usability improvements
2. More Module based by spilting Tender Module into Procure and Tender

1. Many small bugs fixed including our stupid spelling mistekas
2. Fixed Sourceforge Bug
Posted by Gman 2006-02-28

3000th download

TenderSystem Community,

TenderSystem has just reached 3 000 downloads and I want to thank each and every community member. We have grown in leaps and bounds during the last 7 months and are starting to see very interesting implementations.

Please let us know if you find any bugs or can think of ways to improve TenderSystem.

I look forward to the next 1 000 downloads!

Posted by chriserasmus 2006-01-30

2000th download milestone

Dear TenderSystem Community!

Many thanks for your support, bug reports and recommendations during the last 6 months, amazing how time flies when you are having fun.

It is an honour to announce that we have just reached our 2000th download at Congratulations to everyone and I am looking forward to working with you this year!

Kind regards

Team TenderSystem

Posted by chriserasmus 2006-01-06

0.8 Beta Language Packs Released

Spanish, French, German, Portuguese and Italian language packs have been released for TenderSystem 0.8 Beta. Hope you enjoy them and as usual please submit bugs on the forum.

We also want to take the opportunity to wish the TenderSystem community best wishes for 2006!

Posted by chriserasmus 2006-01-03

TenderSystem 0.8 Beta Released

TenderSystem 0.8 Beta
22 Desember 2005 ( )

1. Auto upgrade from Stable or Development repositories with rollback
2. Remove and verify Language Packs
3. Incremental RFQ number generation
4. Email / SMS receipt confirmation
5. Holiday RFQ support - Happy New Year!

1. Request Log view for a specific error
2. Highligting non-translated words when translating... read more

Posted by Gman 2005-12-22

0.7 Beta language packs released

Spanish, French, German, Potuguese and Italian language packs have been released for TenderSystem 0.7 Beta. We also recommend that you download and install the new language module as a few bugs have been fixed.

Posted by chriserasmus 2005-12-13

TenderSystem Statistics Module

TenderSystem statistics module has been released to draft pie, bar, line and area charts. Statistics are charted for RFQs, items and quotes and displayed as monthly, daily, hourly, user, branch, organisation, transport, state and area statistics. Statistics uses the PHPlot GD library with permission from Afan under the Apache license.

It has been uploaded to the demo system so that you can test it before downloading.

Posted by chriserasmus 2005-12-05

TenderSystem 0.7 Beta Released

TenderSystem 0.7 Beta
1 Desember 2005

Team TenderSystem is pleased to announce the first BETA release, TenderSystem version 0.7. Hope you enjoy it!


1. Dynamic menu / cache generation
2. Public module
- company registration
- administrator approval
- registration conditions
3. Agent administrator
4. PHP5 support
5. Left menu html insert
6. Reports
- Spread % savings report
- Export to CSV
- RFQ reference filter
- category grouping
7. Agent Firefox plugin
8. Silver theme... read more

Posted by Gman 2005-12-01

TenderSystem 1000th download

We want to take the opportunity to thank our TenderSystem community for reaching the 1000th download. This milestone was achieved a month ahead of schedule and we will be releasing the first Beta version, TenderSystem 0.7, this week to celebrate this achievement.

Some other interesting statistics:

Average daily downloads: 6.7
Average monthly downloads: 203.6
Best rating: 869 (7 Nov)
Most daily page views: 1126 (1 Oct)
Most downloads per day: 28 (26 August)
All time activity: 67.80%... read more

Posted by chriserasmus 2005-11-28

TenderSystem 0.6 Alpha Released

TenderSystem 0.6 Alpha Released
Dear Community

We are pleased to release TenderSystem, version 0.6 Alpha. Once again this is a major upgrade and includes many nice new features as well as a handful of bug fixes.

Most notably improvements are:


1. Shiny new installer / upgrader
2. AJAX - RFQ report population
3. Oracle database supported
4. RFQ approval functionality
5. Online translation - Google
6. Balanced scorecard report
7. Language key word mass replace
8. Email themes
9. Public registration / RFQ opt-in
10.Javascipt Calculator... read more

Posted by Gman 2005-11-01

TenderSystem 0.5 ALPHA released

This is a much more stable version but please remember that it is still considered ALPHA.


1. Module loader
2. Language exporter / importer
3. Message log display
4. CC purchase order to a client (optional)
5. Resubmit button to resend a RFQ to a specific suppliers
6. Quick RFQ award / quote (link within the report and RFQ email)
7. MD5 password salt
8. RFQ email response includes attachment... read more

Posted by Gman 2005-08-26

TenderSystem 0.4 ALPHA released

We are extremely pleased to announce he release of TenderSystem 0.4 Alpha.


1. TenderSystem is now much modular based

2. Messenger: Admin can email or sms user(s), branche(s), company(s) or user type i.e. suppliers / organisations

3. XML language editor - create and edit language templates

4. Supplier link is now available under Organisation Admin to view or edit all panel suppliers for the organisation. Previously suppliers could only be linked from Supplier Admin... read more

Posted by chriserasmus 2005-08-10