
TEMS -Time and Expense Management System / News: Recent posts

TEMS Version 3.1.0 released today

TEMS Version 3.1.0 released today. In this version, many enhancements were done focusing on user experience. Data search and sort, grid representations, UI helps, intelligent selections were added or enhanced. It also have better security in place and more granular levels of tracking.

Hope you will enjoy TEMS even better.

Posted by Kallol Nandi 2013-03-27 Labels: Release Notice

TEMS Version 3 will be released in few days

TEMS version 3 will released in few days. If you want to look see the demo site and play with it, before it becomes available to the general public, please send an email We will send you a special link and login credentials.

Once version 3 is released, we will sunset the TEMS version 2, and free support will be provided on version 3 only.

Posted by Kallol Nandi 2013-03-15

Update to version 2.1.5

If you want to update TEMS from 2.1.x to 2.1.5, download the latest and copy over to your existing source and then run the following SQL:

ALTER TABLE <tems200>.expensecategories CHANGE COLUMN mileagerate mileagerate DECIMAL(7,4) NULL DEFAULT NULL ;

Note: replace <tems200> by your actual database name.

Posted by Kallol Nandi 2012-05-07

Version 2.1.5: Mileage expanded

Since GSA (in USA) allows mileage to be fraction of cents (for example 55.25 cents per mile), we have releases a minor version to allow up to 2 decimals in mileage. it also has some minor other changes and bug fixes, mostly cosmetic.

Posted by Kallol Nandi 2012-05-07

Security update released

Download the latest to have security fix. If you are using latest version, you do not have to rerun the installation. Just down load and override your existing code.

Posted by Kallol Nandi 2012-04-10

Version 2.1.2

Major fixes related to authorizations and security were published in this version on March 5, 2012.

If you are using any prior version, you have to change a view of the database. Simply go to your database using PhpMyAdmin or any other way you would like, and execute the following command.

CREATE or Replace VIEW timesbyweekend AS select
users_id AS users_id,
weekenddate AS weekenddate,
sum(nonbillablehours) AS totalnonbillhrs,
sum(billablehours) AS totalbillhrs,
sum((billablehours + nonbillablehours)) AS totalhrs,
min(status) AS loweststatus,
users_id AS createby
from times
group by users_id,weekenddate;

Posted by Kallol Nandi 2012-03-06

Version 2.1.0

Assignments of Users/Consultants/Employees to the Projects and their rates based on the projects and tasks are simplified.

Posted by Kallol Nandi 2012-03-06

Automated Data Migration

Data migration module to bring data from older version to the version 2.x.x is published.

Posted by Kallol Nandi 2012-02-23

TEMS is available in Dutch

TEMS is available in Dutch Language in its Base package.

Help wanted: We need volunteers for translating it to other languages.

Posted by Kallol Nandi 2012-02-16

Fun in search

You will get a Google like search experience in version 2.

If you put ? mark in the search box it will show you all possible entries. Just a little secret of TEMS.

Posted by Kallol Nandi 2012-02-15

Rate can be configurebased on person and task

This was very demanded by our users. Now you have it.

TEMS allows you to charge different rates by employee. For example, you can configure one rate if the job is done by Joe and another rate if the same job is done by Bob, or if the job is done in weekend or night verses at the regular business hours.

Posted by Kallol Nandi 2012-02-15

TEMS Version 2 is released

TEMS Version 2 has many enhancements in security and troubleshooting, enhanced install process for various environments, option to create PDF report, enhanced helps, and many more.

Posted by Kallol Nandi 2012-02-10

TEMS is available in multiple languages

TEMS now supports different date formats: MDY (American style), DMY (European Style), and YMD (Computer style). It is also available in different languages. Currently it is available in English and Italian. In few weeks it will be available in Spanish and other languages.

More importantly, user can customize the messages and literals as they want without changing a single lines of code.

As always, we are always here to support you.

Posted by Kallol Nandi 2011-01-12

Sandbox Environment is open to public

We have setup a sandbox environment for public to experience the software before downloading and installing.

Feel free to add your own records as much as you want and please be courteous by not changing other's entries.

See it at User id and password have given there. You will gain full access of the application.

Posted by Kallol Nandi 2010-10-18

Sandbox Site

If you like to see the application, please email us to and we will provide you the application site link, user-id and password so that you can play with the application before you want to download, install and use it.

Posted by Kallol Nandi 2010-09-17