
#568 Allow <relation> to occur intermittently within parent elements

<relation> (1)
Jack Bowers

Currently in the guidelines, <relation> is allowed to occur within the following:

core: listBibl
namesdates: listEvent listNym listOrg listPerson listPlace listRelation

There are many uses for <relation> that enable users to define types of relationships between these given types of data. This tool is very useful for modeling data in ways that are consistent with ontological information and conversion to RDF.

However, even though <relation> is allowed to occur in any of the above elemental contexts, the way the content model is defined (below) it is not currently permitted to occur intermittently amongst the <place>, <event>, <person>, etc. elements whose relationship to one another it is defining. Thus it is effectively only useable as a standoff element.

     ( model.placeLike | listPlace )+,
     ( relation | listRelation )*

While use of <relation> as a standoff element may be acceptable for those using automated processes to gather and structure pre-existing data, it is not feasible for those who need to manually encode such data, as it requires a cumbersome and untenable process of scrolling back and forth between the different sections of a document.

While this may require added complexity in defining the content model, doing so would allow the element to reach its full functional potential and would almost definitely increase its usage.

What I propose is to change the model to allow for such uses of <relation> as in the following example:



        <place n="681" xml:id="Öst.">
           <placeName xml:lang="de">Österreich</placeName>
           <placeName xml:lang="de" full="abb">Öst.</placeName>
              <geo corresp="#gis_region_id-862"/>

        <relation name="vaterregion" active="#Öst." passive="#Kä #OÖ #Bgl. #NÖ #Sa. #St. #Tir. #W. #Vlbg."/>

       <place n="181" xml:id="OÖ">
          <placeName xml:lang="de">Oberösterreich</placeName>
          <placeName xml:lang="de" full="abb"></placeName>
             <geo corresp="#gis_region_id-735"/>

        <place n="101" xml:id="Kä">
           <placeName xml:lang="de">Kärnten</placeName>
           <placeName xml:lang="de" full="abb"></placeName>
              <geo corresp="#gis_region_id-708"/>



  • Jack Bowers

    Jack Bowers - 2015-08-26

    I meant to make myself the 'owner' of the ticket as well but accidentally pressed 'send' before I could add it.. I'm not sure whether it's a problem or not...

  • Martin Holmes

    Martin Holmes - 2015-08-26

    The Council chair would usually assign ownership of the ticket to someone on Council, who's responsible for researching it and reporting back, then ultimately taking action.