
#544 align oVar/@type with the general taxonomy of grammatical features


Request: bring the oVar/@type in line with the independently existing mechanism for referencing grammatical features.

When looking at , it seems awkward to me to use the @type on oVar for exclusively and purely grammatical information ("1] pt(past tense) ; 2] pp(past participle) ; 3] prp(present participle) ; 4] f(feminine) ; 5] pl(plural)").

We look here at a microsystem (indeed a tumor, I would say) of taxonomy with a corresponding set of arbitrary (even if common) abbreviations. I say "tumor" and "arbitrary", because in this same chapter, we introduce the gram and gramGrp, which can be given externally-anchored interpretations thanks to the DCR attributes. Using @type for this, and listing the values of @type as completely independent and dissociated from the gram(Grp) system, feels wro-o-ong.


Feature Requests: #545


  • Hugh A. Cayless

    Hugh A. Cayless - 2015-02-10
    • assigned_to: Stefanie Gehrke
  • Laurent Romary

    Laurent Romary - 2015-02-10

    This is related to the revamping proposal of the o/p-Ref/Var series. The @type attribute should be left open by just assigning the new oRef/pRef couple to att.typed.

  • Stefanie Gehrke

    Stefanie Gehrke - 2015-05-28

    seems reasonable

  • Martin Holmes

    Martin Holmes - 2015-05-28

    Council 2015-05-28: Piotr, would these actions answer the need?

    1. Remove the override of @type so that it no longer has recommended values (which would leave existing documents valid);

    2. Replace the recommendation to use @type for grammatical categorization with a recommendation to use the *datcat attributes instead, in the chapter prose and in the elementSpec.

  • Laurent Romary

    Laurent Romary - 2015-05-28

    It is a step forward, but remember the ticket is obsolete, if you can take a good decision on: