
#518 state (or model.*StateLike) should contain precision


This bug report is a follow-up on the discussion found in;fc2bf4f.1307.

Bug #585 contains a proposal to deal with fuzzy dates:

<state from="1382" to="1477">
   <precision match="@from" atLeast="1382" atMost="1430"/>
   <precision match="@to" atLeast="1444"  atMost="1477"/>
   <p>Catholicos-Patriarch of the Church of the East.</p> 

That report only covers the addition of att.ranging to precision. But in addition to implement that proposal, it is also necessary to allow state to contain precision. In order to cover all possible uses of state-like elements, I propose to add precision to all of model.orgStateLike, model.persStateLike and model.placeStateLike.


Feature Requests: #518


  • James Cummings

    James Cummings - 2014-11-17

    Pending council agreement, making green and assigning to Peter Stadler at F2F Raleigh 2014-11-17

  • James Cummings

    James Cummings - 2014-11-17
    • assigned_to: Peter Stadler
    • Group: AMBER --> GREEN
  • James Cummings

    James Cummings - 2014-11-17

    Council agrees.

  • Peter Stadler

    Peter Stadler - 2015-01-29

    The request is to add "precision to all of model.orgStateLike, model.persStateLike and model.placeStateLike". The elements in question are:

    • affiliation
    • age
    • climate
    • education
    • faith
    • floruit
    • langKnowledge
    • location
    • nationality
    • occupation
    • persName
    • population
    • residence
    • sex
    • socecStatus
    • state
    • terrain
    • trait
    • bloc
    • country
    • district
    • geogName
    • placeName
    • region
    • settlement

    The most already allow for precision via or macro.phraseSeq. The elements with a more complex content model are:

    • climate
    • langKnowledge
    • location
    • population
    • state
    • terrain
    • trait

    My thoughts so far:

    • location seems easy. It could simply be added to the <rng:choice>
    • climate, terrain and population show an optional model.headLike. Should precision be added before?
    • the content model of langKnowledge is a choice between one model.pLike or several <langKnown>. Should precision be added before the choice as an option?
    • state and trait: quite similar to climate, terrain and population. Should precision be added as a possible first child?
    • all cases: should precision rather be model.certLike to also allow for <certainty> and <respons>?
  • Stefan Majewski

    Stefan Majewski - 2015-05-30

    Should't the path of @match be different? According to the context (node I hope) in which the @match is evaluated is defined to be the element bearing this attribute (not implicitly its parent). I haven't found a hint in tei:precision that this is in this case different.

    <state from="1382" to="1477">
       <precision match="../@from" atLeast="1382" atMost="1430"/>
       <precision match="../@to" atLeast="1444"  atMost="1477"/>
       <p>Catholicos-Patriarch of the Church of the East.</p> 

    Is this just a flaw in this example or is this a general issue with the interpretation of "context"?

  • Frederik Elwert

    Frederik Elwert - 2015-05-31

    According to the example and note on the page you cite, the “context” is
    indeed the parent element, unless the @target attribute specifies
    something different:

    The expression of certainty applies to the nodeset identified by the
    value of the target attribute, possibly modified additionally by the
    value of the match attribute. If neither attribute is present, the
    expression of certainty applies to the context of the certainty
    element itself, i.e. its parent element.

    • Stefan Majewski

      Stefan Majewski - 2015-06-01

      We are talking about two contexts.

      1 the context referring to the interpretation of tei:precision. That
      appears to be clearly the parent element of tei:precision. I completely
      agree with you on that.

      2 the context the @match, in the meaning defined by xpath, is interpreted
      with. That was wrong and does not align to the attribute's definition.

      As only the latter is problematic, and wrongly used at other places in the
      guidelines' examples, Martin moved this to a separate ticket. A clearer
      wording might help, though
      Am 31.05.2015 11:15 schrieb "Frederik"

      According to the example and note on the page you cite, the “context” is
      indeed the parent element, unless the @target attribute specifies
      something different:

      The expression of certainty applies to the nodeset identified by the
      value of the target attribute, possibly modified additionally by the
      value of the match attribute. If neither attribute is present, the
      expression of certainty applies to the context of the certainty
      element itself, i.e. its parent element.

      Status: open
      Group: GREEN
      Created: Thu Jul 10, 2014 09:40 AM UTC by Frederik
      Last Updated: Sat May 30, 2015 06:45 PM UTC
      Owner: Peter Stadler

      This bug report is a follow-up on the discussion found in;fc2bf4f.1307.

      Bug #585 contains a proposal to
      deal with fuzzy dates:

      <state from="1382" to="1477">
      <precision match="@from" atLeast="1382" atMost="1430"/>
      <precision match="@to" atLeast="1444" atMost="1477"/>

      Catholicos-Patriarch of the Church of the East.


      That report only covers the addition of att.ranging to precision. But in
      addition to implement that proposal, it is also necessary to allow state
      to contain precision. In order to cover all possible uses of state-like
      elements, I propose to add precision to all of model.orgStateLike,
      model.persStateLike and model.placeStateLike.

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      Feature Requests: #518

  • Martin Holmes

    Martin Holmes - 2015-05-31

    There was a definite confusion between the definition of the attribute:

    supplies an arbitrary XPath expression using the syntax defined in Kay (ed.) (2007) which identifies a set of nodes, selected within the context identified by the target attribute if this is supplied, or within the context of the element bearing this attribute if it is not.

    which says it's the element bearing the @match attribute, and the remark:

    he expression of certainty applies to the nodeset identified by the
    value of the target attribute, possibly modified additionally by the
    value of the match attribute. If neither attribute is present, the
    expression of certainty applies to the context of the certainty
    element itself, i.e. its parent element.

    We noticed this yesterday, and I'll submit a bug for it if I haven't done so already -- can't remember. :-)

  • Martin Holmes

    Martin Holmes - 2015-05-31

    New ticket here:

    This is a bit of a mess.

  • Peter Stadler

    Peter Stadler - 2015-05-31

    implemented in [r13242] without complaints by Mr. Jenkins; tested briefly (precision in state and climate); closing!