
Schema for TEI P5 .odd files in CVS?

  • David Sewell

    David Sewell - 2005-06-09

    There's an (out-of date?) schema for ODD files at

    but I don't see this (or .rng equivalent) in the CVS tree or the Debian packages. Is it kept under the versioning system somewhere?

    • Sebastian Rahtz

      Sebastian Rahtz - 2005-06-09

      I have updated the files at
      which should reach .org tomorrow.

      It isnt in CVS because it is generated
      from source by saying "make oddschema".
      It should be in the Debian package, I agree.
      I need to consult the editors about whether
      we can release a new TEI P5 set of .debs.


    • David Sewell

      David Sewell - 2005-06-10

      Thanks for quick response (and proof that someone is looking at these forums!)

      The version of p5odds.rnc that is there now has a bunch of includes; will the include files be added to the Cocoon pipeline? (At the moment they aren't findable in the same directory via HTTP, meaning that

        jing -c FoundingEra-vendor.odd

      which worked for me previously is not working now.)


      • Sebastian Rahtz

        Sebastian Rahtz - 2005-06-12

        This should be working properly now