
#234 use of @n on divs

Tite (10)

Section 3.3 says to capture a sequential label in the @n on a div. However, it's not clear what to do if instead of "III", your source says "Chapter III". Encoding as:

<div1 n="Chapter III" type="part">
<head>Chapter III: It Awakes</head>

would go against the datatype of @n.


  • Kevin Hawkins

    Kevin Hawkins - 2010-09-30

    It's also not clear to me what value there is in using @n on divs at all.

  • Laurent Romary

    Laurent Romary - 2010-10-01

    If do want to have an @n, I would see two possible strategies:
    - take what actually correpond to the numbering in the text as content, like you suggest (since we put plain text in an attribute it should be untagged and as a consequence should be kept in the <head>)
    <div1 n="Chapter III" type="part">
    <head>Chapter III: It Awakes</head>
    - use an actual numarical value mimicing the relative value (3 here):
    <div1 n="3" type="part">
    <head>Chapter III: It Awakes</head>
    The division hierarchy can then do the trick of recomposing a full absolute numbering if needed. Should we then have @unit to indicate what type of object we are counting in this case?

  • Kevin Hawkins

    Kevin Hawkins - 2011-02-27
    • status: open --> open-postponed
  • Kevin Hawkins

    Kevin Hawkins - 2011-02-27

    Will return to this once tickets 3136934, 3136935 3136936, and 3164403 are resolved, bringing canonical and Apex versions of Tite into alignment.

  • Lou Burnard

    Lou Burnard - 2012-06-17

    Value of @n is now data.text, so spaces are now permitted.

  • James Cummings

    James Cummings - 2013-11-09

    Kevin: Is there any reason this ticket shouldn't be resolved?

  • James Cummings

    James Cummings - 2013-11-10
    • Group: --> AMBER
    • Priority: 5 --> 5(default)
  • James Cummings

    James Cummings - 2013-11-10

    Setting as AMBER.

  • Syd Bauman

    Syd Bauman - 2014-06-30

    Council discovered Lou "fixed" this (apparently 2012-06-17).

  • Syd Bauman

    Syd Bauman - 2014-06-30
    • status: open-postponed --> closed-fixed
    • assigned_to: Kevin Hawkins --> Lou Burnard