

francesco michienzi


Add a product to the database

From the Dashboard click on the menu icon in the top left corner, then select Products. Click on the top right icon Add.

Fill all the fields, then click on the save icon in the top right corner.

Edit a product

From the Dashboard click on the menu icon in the top left corner, then select Products.

Search the product by its barcode, name or description, then click on a result to open the product details.

Click on the edit icon in the top right corner.

After editing, click on the save icon in the top right corner.

Delete a product

From the Dashboard click on the menu icon in the top left corner, then select Products.

Search the product by its barcode, name or description, then click on a result to open the product details.

Click on the edit icon in the top right corner.

To delete a product click on the Delete button at the bottom of the page.

The delete is permanent, so we suggest to make a backup of the data before.

Shopping cart

Start a new shopping

From the Dashboard click on the menu icon in the top left corner, then select Cart.

Search the product by its barcode, name or description, then click on a result to add it to the list.

If an exact match with a barcode is found, the product is automatically added to the list.

Click on the actions button to set the quantity.

Close the current shopping

From the Dashboard click on the menu icon in the top left corner, then select Cart.

Click on the top right icon and select an action:

  • Print the invoice, to print or save the shopping list;
  • Close shopping cart, to close the shopping and update the stock quantities;
  • Discard shopping cart, to discard the shopping list without updating the stock quantities.


Update stock quantities

From the Dashboard click on the menu icon in the top left corner, then select Stock.

Search the product by its barcode, name or description, then click on a result to add it to the list.

If an exact match with a barcode is found, the product is automatically added to the list.

When a product is added to the list, its quantity is increased by 1.

Add more products or set the quantities with the action button

To apply the all the pending changes, click on the top right icon and select an action:

  • Apply changes, to update the database;
  • Discard changes, to discard all the changes without updating the database.


The Dashboard gives rapid access to the most common operations.

Click on the menu icon in the top left corner to open the main menu and access all the pages in the application.

Click on the cart icon in the top right corner to open the Cart page. If there are products in the cart, the quantity is displayed.

Search a product by its barcode, name or description. The results show the price and stock quantity as well as the other details. There are also buttons for rapid actions:

  • open the product details;
  • add the product to the shopping list;
  • manage the produst's stock quantity.

The Dashboard may display notifications in case a mismatch with a product quantity occurs.


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