
#121 Error:No connection to the database initial setup

2.7.1 Standalone

installed ubuntu 20.04 server edition. install all the requirement. given permission sudo chown -R www-data:${USER} /var/www.
uploaded the web folder content as isntructed to var/www/teamip folder path

the browse to the url http://ipaddress/teamip
showed the green for prerequisites.
when it reached to database page it started showing No connection to the database. But there is mysql running. I didnt create any database because new datase should be created from this step.

where im missing.

you should clearly mention what all we required.

1 Attachments


  • axxo2009

    axxo2009 - 2021-09-29

    Here are some details:

    PHP 7.4.3 (cli) (built: Aug 13 2021 05:39:12) ( NTS )
    mysql Ver 8.0.26-0ubuntu0.20.04.3 for Linux on x86_64 ((Ubuntu))
    ubuntu 20.04

    minor correction
    Folder path is var/www/teemip

    url path : http://ipaddress/teemip


    Last edit: axxo2009 2021-09-29
  • Hipska

    Hipska - 2021-09-29

    Well, you need to provide username and password to connect to the database, right?

    • axxo2009

      axxo2009 - 2021-09-29

      even if I provide its the same.
      then whats the point its mentione new DB if we create a DB in mySQL

      • Hipska

        Hipska - 2021-09-29

        There's a difference in creating the database and having a username and password to connect to the server..

  • axxo2009

    axxo2009 - 2021-09-29

    This is the username I used. this username is the OS username..

    • Hipska

      Hipska - 2021-09-29

      The OS username is usually not the same as the database server username. (See MySQL or MariaDB documentation on how to create users)

      • axxo2009

        axxo2009 - 2021-09-29

        So you mean only create username and password without creating a DB? this is what confusing as mentioned as create new DB field

        • Hipska

          Hipska - 2021-09-29

          You can create a DB manually or not, that is up to you. But you need at least a user (or the root account) to be able to connect to the DB or create the DB. You need to have permission to do that, so you need to be authenticated.

          • axxo2009

            axxo2009 - 2021-09-29

            the username I mentioned is the OS username. I clearly dont understand that part you mentions. is that user account of Ubuntu OS or user we create in MySQL?

            • Hipska

              Hipska - 2021-09-29

              It is a user you create in the MySQL database. As that is what is needed to connect to it.

              • axxo2009

                axxo2009 - 2021-09-29

                if so do we need to create database also at that time?

                • Hipska

                  Hipska - 2021-09-29

                  As said before, that is up to you, since you can do it in the setup as well. But I would do it already at the same time if I were you, since you have not much knowledge on this.

                  • axxo2009

                    axxo2009 - 2021-09-29

                    Thank you very much. now I created the username and password as you instructed

                    steps are:

                    CREATE USER 'teemipuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password123';
                    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'teemipuser'@'localhost';
                    GRANT FILE ON . TO 'teemipuser'@'localhost';
                    FLUSH PRIVILEGES;

                    sudo service mysql restart

  • Xtophe38

    Xtophe38 - 2021-09-30

    It looks, from ticket #122 that you managed to connect to your DB. I'm closing the ticket, then.

  • Xtophe38

    Xtophe38 - 2021-09-30
    • status: open --> closed

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