
3DPlot / News: Recent posts

tdplot module availabe in CVS

I worked out how CVS works or at least it seems to me that I worked out... it's a quite nice tool bdw ;) Current version has "some" GUI (work in progress) and uses wxWidgets so the app is meant to be cross-platform. There are still lots of bugs yet I hope to get rid of them in the nearest future.

Posted by Lukasz Wisniewski 2005-09-21

3DPlot 0.1.alpha released!

First ever version of 3DPlot has been released. Currently it lacks several options/features (no gui) and is full of bugs. I hope to change it next version. I'm planning to use wxWidgets for constructing better interface (console by now) but before that I must learn how to use CVS :P

Posted by Lukasz Wisniewski 2005-09-19