
From DNS to TDNS why this is needed and when?

Originally the DNS System was written a long time ago by @wishcraft and this was a rough throw together that was never really designed for public use which is still implemented again and again now days like on earth and other parts of the world without forthright design for it use, it was never designed for a public system but this one TDNS is without a doubt the benefit of well researched and disciplines as well as including all the stuff that makes it worthwhile as an adaption to both transnets as well as things like the smaller internet.

The current DNS has a few features which are not needed in the public system and was more designed for policing and maintainence of galactic senates, councils + highcliff's and anyname's, to support things like packet rescheduling, which is when the dns produces a secondary packet to the main auxilary council billions of years before it is sent as well as other features so it can be used in public delegation of domains as well as functionality.

Posted by Gc. Jerrimough Xaa (Dr. Simon Antony Roberts) 2020-04-23 Labels: DNS TDNS Public History

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