Hi, got the same problem, downloading data from Garmin Connect. You can easily correct...
Cheers, have been using the GC for short rides but anything iver a couple of hours...
Don't think so, never got a reply. I just replaced the formula in the script with...
Don't think so, never got a reply. I just replaced the formula in the script with...
Did this ever gets fixed, im geeting the same issue seems to be during stop peri...
Set namespace before output
Don't replace measured speed with estimated speed
TCX Vpower throwing error on file by Garmin Connect/Edge 500 1-sec rec
Unrealistically high power numbers
Changed detection to do a full scan of the XML tree and build a list of all Tracks....
status: accepted --> closed
Not handling multiple <Track> tags
Not handling multiple <Track> tags
That seems to have done the trick! Many thanks for your help.
status: accepted --> closed
Tweaked the code to find tracks regardless of parent elements. Appears to fix the...
Nothing is added to output file
status: open --> accepted
Looks like the tcx file has the <Track> under a <Courses> hierarchy instead of the...
Nothing is added to output file