
#1 Number of Sites: All values are exponents

GUI (2)

In the lower panel of the viewer, every value indicating the number of stations is not the number of stations, but the exponent of the number of stations (base 10) x 100. Thus, for example, the value 10**2, which is 100, displays as 200. This value (200) must be replaced with either 100, 10**2, 10^2 or some other representation reflecting the real value of the number of stations.


  • David A. Portman

    • milestone: --> v0.1.1-alpha
    • labels: --> GUI
  • David A. Portman

    • assigned_to: nobody --> dportman
  • David A. Portman

    • summary: Number of Stations value displays as exponent. --> Number of Stations: All values are exponents
  • David A. Portman

    • summary: Number of Stations: All values are exponents --> Number of Sites: All values are exponents
  • David A. Portman

    In the description of this issue, the term 'number of stations' means 'number of sites', as it is labeled in the viewer GUI.

  • David A. Portman

    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • David A. Portman

    Ordinate range is now 100 <-> 0.1 to 600 <-> 10,000. Only four tick marks and labels appear, however: 1, 10, 100 and 1,000. These tick marks are properly labeled. The actual number of sites is stored in a field of class Point. The system can display this field value in any plotter panel.

  • David A. Portman

    • Group: v0.1.1-alpha --> v0.1.1

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