
TCP/IP Manager / News: Recent posts

STABLE: TCP/IP Manager v4.1.1 Released!

** Please uninstall any pre-3.1.x version before installing the current one! **

  • v4.1.1 (Build 29) - STABLE BUILD
    • [Major bug fix] Saving a profile when prompted would save the changes on the new selected profile not on the old one!

If you are looking for the (latest) source code please visit:

Posted by Adrian-Costin Țundrea 2015-03-13 Labels: TCP/IP Manager stable release

STABLE: TCP/IP Manager v4.1.0 Released!

** Please uninstall any pre-3.1.x version before installing the current one! **

  • v4.1.0 (Build 28) - STABLE BUILD
    • [Major bug fix] Importing system settings didn't work when executing without a loaded network profile!
    • Improved network profile validation to match that of Windows (complete with warning message when a profile cannot be applied)
    • Improved the way tray icon notifications are displayed
    • Some small code cleanup... read more
Posted by Adrian-Costin Țundrea 2015-02-01 Labels: TCP/IP Manager stable release

STABLE: TCP/IP Manager v4.0.5 Released!

** Please uninstall any pre-3.1.x version before installing the current one! **

  • v4.0.5 (Build 27) - STABLE BUILD
    • [Critical bug fix] Application wouldn't correctly save more then one network profile with multiple IP addresses!
    • [Minor bug fix] Aborting the save dialog when switching network profiles would not return the combobox to its previous state!

If you are looking for the (latest) source code please visit:

Posted by Adrian-Costin Țundrea 2015-01-17 Labels: TCP/IP Manager stable release

STABLE: TCP/IP Manager v4.0.4 Released!

** Please uninstall any pre-3.1.x version before installing the current one! **

  • v4.0.4 (Build 26) - STABLE BUILD
    • [Critical bug fix] TCP/IP settings weren't correctly applied on some Windows XP systems!
    • Improved the way TCP/IP settings changes are handled
    • Enabled validations on the TCP/IP settings form (matching those in the Windows interface)
    • Since Windows XP does not offer a command-line way to enable/disable a network connection (it actually does, but it is broken), MAC spoofing will require a computer restart on this OS... read more
Posted by Adrian-Costin Țundrea 2014-09-18 Labels: TCP/IP Manager stable release

STABLE: TCP/IP Manager v4.0.3 Released!

** Please uninstall any pre-3.1.x version before installing the current one! **

  • v4.0.3 (Build 25) - STABLE BUILD
    • Improved compatibity with post-Windows XP OSs
    • Small improvements in button icons

If you are looking for the (latest) source code please visit:

Posted by Adrian-Costin Țundrea 2014-08-21 Labels: TCP/IP Manager stable release

STABLE: TCP/IP Manager v4.0.2 Released!

** Please uninstall any pre-3.1.x version before installing the current one! **

  • v4.0.2 (Build 24) - STABLE BUILD

    • [Minor bug fix] MAC address validation wouldn't work correctly in some cases!
    • Small code refactoring and optimizations
  • v4.0.1 (Build 23) - STABLE BUILD

    • [Minor bug fix] Addresses window didn't show only those tabs needed in the context it was opened!
  • v4.0.0 (Build 22) - STABLE BUILD

    • [Critical bug fix] MAC spoofing didn't work on some configurations!
    • [Major bug fix] Downloading updates didn't work correctly for the two platforms!
    • [Minor bug fix] Addresses listviews would loose selected element when not focused!
    • [Minor bug fix] Uninstaller would not clean all the files of the application!
    • Added validations for the fields used by the new features
    • Tweaked the user interface for consistancy... read more
Posted by Adrian-Costin Țundrea 2014-08-18 Labels: TCP/IP Manager stable release

STABLE: TCP/IP Manager v4.0.1 Released!

** Please uninstall any pre-3.1.x version before installing the current one! **

  • v4.0.1 (Build 23) - STABLE BUILD

    • [Minor bug fix] Addresses window didn't show only those tabs needed in the context it was opened!
  • v4.0.0 (Build 22) - STABLE BUILD

    • [Critical bug fix] MAC spoofing didn't work on some configurations!
    • [Major bug fix] Downloading updates didn't work correctly for the two platforms!
    • [Minor bug fix] Addresses listviews would loose selected element when not focused!
    • [Minor bug fix] Uninstaller would not clean all the files of the application!
    • Added validations for the fields used by the new features
    • Tweaked the user interface for consistancy... read more
Posted by Adrian-Costin Țundrea 2014-08-12 Labels: TCP/IP Manager stable release

STABLE: TCP/IP Manager v4.0.0 Released!

** Please uninstall any pre-3.1.x version before installing the current one! **

  • v4.0.0 (Build 22) - STABLE BUILD
    • [Critical bug fix] MAC spoofing didn't work on some configurations!
    • [Major bug fix] Downloading updates didn't work correctly for the two platforms!
    • [Minor bug fix] Addresses listviews would loose selected element when not focused!
    • [Minor bug fix] Uninstaller would not clean all the files of the application!
    • Added validations for the fields used by the new features
    • Tweaked the user interface for consistancy... read more
Posted by Adrian-Costin Țundrea 2014-08-11 Labels: TCP/IP Manager stable release

BETA: TCP/IP Manager v3.2.0 Released!

** Please uninstall any pre-3.1.x version before installing the current one! **

  • v3.2.0 (Build 21) - BETA BUILD
    • Added support for multiple IP/Gateway/DNS servers
    • Added support for computer and workgroup name change
    • Added support for MAC spoofing
    • Added check for unsaved changes whenever an action that may result in data loss happens (complete with toggle setting)
    • Add support for running the application without any configuration files (they are created at runtime)
    • Added full 64 bit support (with separate installer and standalone releases)
    • Improved and streamlined the release process (support for the portable version has been removed; use the standalone release as replacement)... read more
Posted by Adrian-Costin Țundrea 2014-08-09 Labels: TCP/IP Manager beta release

STABLE: TCP/IP Manager v3.1.4 Released!


  • v3.1.4 (Build 20) - STABLE BUILD
    • CRITICAL BUG FIX: Choosing to minimize to tray would not allow closing of the application because of a bug in the tray menu
    • MAJOR BUG FIX: Allow up to 10 profiles in the tray menu and show message when saving a profile and there are already more then 10 profiles in tray
    • MAJOR BUG FIX: Fix for longstanding issue of windows (other then the main one) minimizing on desktop instead of the taskbar!
    • MINOR BUG FIX: Added validation for generating scripts that have illegal characters in the connection name
    • MINOR BUG FIX: Added validation for administrator rights (for Windows XP and earlier versions; later versions have the requirement embedded in the executable)
    • Optimizations when closing application windows
    • A lot more code commenting and formatting
Posted by Adrian-Costin Țundrea 2013-09-22 Labels: TCP/IP Manager stable release

STABLE: TCP/IP Manager v3.1.3 Released!


  • v3.1.3 (Build 19) - STABLE BUILD
    • MAJOR BUG FIX: On post-Windows XP OSs the application crashed on exit because of the EXE compression (although the crash was hidden to the user)
    • Removed EXE compression (bigger EXE, smaller RAM footprint)
Posted by Adrian-Costin Țundrea 2013-02-15 Labels: TCP/IP Manager stable release

STABLE: TCP/IP Manager v3.1.2 Released!


  • v3.1.2 (Build 18) - STABLE BUILD
    • Access to WebUpdate window and version check has been disabled for the version in order to avoid leaving any trail on guest OS
    • Tray icon size fix
Posted by Adrian-Costin Țundrea 2012-10-29 Labels: TCP/IP Manager stable release

STABLE: TCP/IP Manager v3.1.1 Released!


  • v3.1.1 (Build 17) - STABLE BUILD
    • MINOR BUG FIX: Command for adding the alternate DNS server would trigger even if there was no alternate DNS server available
    • Current network settings can be imported in a new or existing network profile! (user request)
    • Batch files can now be generated based on network profiles! (user request)
    • Option for restricting TCP/IP Manager to a single instance! (user request)
    • Added hotkey trigger for all network profiles
    • Settings loading mechanism has been changed in order to avoid rewriting settings when installing a new version!
    • Some small bug fixes
Posted by Adrian-Costin Țundrea 2012-10-27 Labels: TCP/IP Manager stable release

STABLE: TCP/IP Manager v3.0.2 Released!

  • v3.0.2 (Build 16) - STABLE BUILD
  • Some options disabled by default in the portable release
  • Donate message now show on the 10th run of TCP/IP Manager
  • Size optimization (via compiler regress)
Posted by Adrian-Costin Țundrea 2012-05-02

STABLE: TCP/IP Manager v3.0.1 Released!

  • v3.0.1 (Build 15) - STABLE BUILD
  • MAJOR BUG FIX: Connection names kept growing when saving changes to network profiles (introduced in previous release)
  • MINOR BUG FIX: Using profile names with ampersand character in tray wasn't displayed correctly!
  • MINOR BUG FIX: Unexpected error when checking for updates and a DNS redirect is active!
  • Limit of 10 network profiles in tray now enforced on profile create and save
Posted by Adrian-Costin Țundrea 2012-04-30

Report bugs in BETA (v2.3.1)

Please report any bugs you may find in the latest beta release of TCP/IP Manager (v2.3.1). Getting a lot of feedback fast means releasing a stable version a lot sooner!

Thank you very much!

Adrian-Costin Tundrea
(project administrator)

Posted by Adrian-Costin Țundrea 2012-04-27

BETA: TCP/IP Manager v2.3.1 Released!

  • v2.3.1 (Build 14) - BETA BUILD
  • CRITICAL BUG FIX: Changing profiles using the tray icon did not function (introduced in previous release)
  • MAJOR BUG FIX: Closing windows using the X button resulted in closing TCP/IP Manager (instead of returning to the main window) when checking for updates at startup was enabled!
  • MAJOR BUG FIX: When using a multi-monitor configuration TCP/IP Manager didn't start on the default monitor, but (depending on configuration) between them
  • Optimization of memory usage now enabled or disabled at first startup depending on free RAM
  • Icons changed to PNG to improve appearance and support for Windows Vista and Windows 7
  • Swiched to UPX compression for a smaller EXE footprint
  • Build number changed to reflect build versions actually released
Posted by Adrian-Costin Țundrea 2012-04-27

Report bugs in BETA (v2.2.1)

Please report any bugs you may find in the latest beta release of TCP/IP Manager (v2.2.1). Getting a lot of feedback fast means releasing a stable version a lot sooner!

Thank you very much!

Adrian-Costin Tundrea
(project administrator)

Posted by Adrian-Costin Țundrea 2012-04-13

BETA: TCP/IP Manager v2.2.1 Released!

  • v2.2.1 (Build 182) - BETA BUILD
  • CRITICAL BUG FIX: Couldn't run TCP/IP Manager at startup with administrative priviledges
  • MAJOR BUG FIX: Checking for updates feature used an older cached file if it existed, so it didn't show the latest version correctly!
  • MINOR BUG FIX: Start in tray option didn't function when TCP/IP Manager checked for updates at startup, but there was no Internet connection!
  • Support for an unlimited number of profiles and other major improvements in profile management
  • Optimization of memory usage now an option (as disabling it may offer better responsiveness)
  • Disabling the WebUpdate splash screen now possible
  • Progress bar on downloading updates now functional (long standing feature finally implemented)
  • Better support for Windows 7 and new icons for a Windows 7 like theme
  • Major source code overhaul complete with speed and readability optimizations
Posted by Adrian-Costin Țundrea 2012-04-13

STABLE: TCP/IP Manager v2.1.2 Released!

  • v2.1.2 (Build 118) - STABLE BUILD
  • MAJOR BUG FIX: This time I really removed the validations that required all fields to be completed :)
  • MAJOR BUG FIX: Saving changes to a profile without changing the name of the profile resulted in a validation error
  • MAJOR BUG FIX: When updating TCP/IP Manager profile configurations where overwritten
Posted by Adrian-Costin Țundrea 2011-03-14

STABLE: TCP/IP Manager v2.1.1 Released!

  • v2.1.1 (Build 116) - STABLE BUILD
  • MAJOR BUG FIX: Saving a profile with a name that started from an existing name resulted in changing the original profile!
  • MAJOR BUG FIX: Run on startup option has to be enabled only when the application has administrative privileges! (for Windows Vista and 7)
  • Added option to elevate privileges in Windows Vista or Windows 7 (should fix a lot of problems related to Windows UAC)
  • Added option to disable balloon tips from the tray
  • Increased number of characters (to 48) for the proxy settings (user request)
  • Removed the validations that required all fields to be completed (user request)
  • Reduced the number of supported profiles to 20 (there where potentially too many profiles in the tray at the same time)
  • Disabled the autocomplete feature of the profiles combobox because it generated unwanted behavior
Posted by Adrian-Costin Țundrea 2011-03-12

STABLE: TCP/IP Manager v2.0.2 Released!

  • v2.0.2 (Build 103) - STABLE BUILD
  • CRITICAL BUG FIX: Checking for the latest version on a computer with no Internet connection would fail giving a critical error!

  • v2.0.1 (Build 102) - STABLE BUILD

  • Added format checking for all fields!

  • v1.2.1 (Build 95) - BETA BUILD

  • MAJOR BUG FIX: Timeout of the balloon tips didn't work as expected!
  • MINOR BUG FIX: WebUpdateWindow was displayed and hidden creating an annoying flicker effect at TCP/IP Manager's startup!
  • Added the option to change proxy server settings!
  • Added the option to start TCP/IP Manager in system tray (user request)
  • Increased the number of supported profiles to 30 (user request)
Posted by Adrian-Costin Țundrea 2010-05-07

STABLE: TCP/IP Manager v2.0.1 Released!

  • v2.0.1 (Build 102) - STABLE BUILD
  • Added format checking for all fields!

  • v1.2.1 (Build 95) - BETA BUILD

  • MAJOR BUG FIX: Timeout of the balloon tips didn't work as expected!
  • MINOR BUG FIX: WebUpdateWindow was displayed and hidden creating an annoying flicker effect at TCP/IP Manager's startup!
  • Added the option to change proxy server settings!
  • Added the option to start TCP/IP Manager in system tray (user request)
  • Increased the number of supported profiles to 30 (user request)
Posted by Adrian-Costin Țundrea 2010-05-06

Report bugs in BETA (v1.2.1)

Please report any bugs you may find in the latest beta release of TCP/IP Manager (v1.2.1). Getting a lot of feedback fast means releasing a stable version a lot sooner!

Thank you very much!

Tundrea Adrian-Costin
(project administrator)

Posted by Adrian-Costin Țundrea 2010-04-16

False positive virus warning: backdoor MH690A

A user reported getting a virus warning on TCP/IP Manager (back-door MH690A).

For those still unsure - this is a false positive ( ... TCP/IP Manager IS PERFECTLY SAFE!

This warning is triggered in some anti-virus software by the compression applied to TCP/IP Manager's executable. There is absolutely no malware in TCP/IP Manager!

Tundrea Adrian-Costin
(project administrator)

Posted by Adrian-Costin Țundrea 2010-04-13