
#52 proxy setting: proxy-overwrite

Next Release

i am missing the possibility saving/resatore the proxy-overwrite list in the "proxy setting"


  • ltdeta

    ltdeta - 2015-02-17

    registry setting:
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ProxyOverride

  • Adrian-Costin Țundrea


    This feature is already in the application in the Proxy settings tab. Is is not working for you?

    Adrian-Costin Tundrea

  • Adrian-Costin Țundrea

    • assigned_to: Adrian-Costin Țundrea
    • Group: Next Release --> None
  • ltdeta

    ltdeta - 2015-02-18

    No, i can't see this option

  • Adrian-Costin Țundrea

    Thanks for the feedback. There is the option, but only for setting it to local (the checkbox from your screenshot). Could you please make a screenshot from the windows settings you would need to update? (the ones from Internet properties)

  • ltdeta

    ltdeta - 2015-02-19

    this value is stored in the registry (see post before)
    sometimes different tcp/ip settings have different proxy(override) settings


    Last edit: ltdeta 2015-02-19
  • Adrian-Costin Țundrea

    Thanks for all the information.

    I will implement this is a future release for sure, but I cannot promise when that will be. But I will update this ticket when it will start, so you can track the progress here.

  • Adrian-Costin Țundrea

    • Group: None --> Next Release
  • Charl Smit

    Charl Smit - 2015-12-23

    Any update on this feature? I have a long list of proxy exceptions for work, and need to switch profiles daily. Currently it clears the Proxy Exception list every time I switch profiles, so I can't use the tool.

  • Adrian-Costin Țundrea

    Hello. Unfortunatly I worked on other software I have. However I will probably restart work on a major update very soon as I have a lot of feedback and bugs to be fixed. I will keep you updated as soon as I start work on it and a beta release will be out.

  • Alessandro

    Alessandro - 2024-01-31

    Up !!

    Someone can Help Us please ?



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