cpw - 2014-12-07


following example:


$pdf = new TCPDF($orientation = "P", $unit = "mm", $format = "A4", $unicode = true, $encoding = 'UTF-8', $diskcache = false, $pdfa = false);


$pdf->SetDisplayMode(100, "OneColumn");


$pdf->AddPage("P", "A4");

$pdf->MultiCell($width = 50, $height = 50, $text = "Some text", $border = 1, $align = "L", $fill=false, $ln = 1, $x = '', $y = '', $reseth = true, $stretch = 0, $ishtml = false, $autopadding = true, $maxh = 0, $valign = 'M');


The MultiCell's $valign will be ignored (respectively always be "T" for top) if $maxh is set to 0 or an empty string. If you set $maxh to 50 in the example above, the vertical alignment will be "middle" as set.

Is that information missing in the docs (http://www.tcpdf.org/doc/code/classTCPDF.html#aa81d4b585de305c054760ec983ed3ece) or am I missing something?