
Content on continuous page doesn't align

Henky Iets
  • Henky Iets

    Henky Iets - 2015-07-03

    Hello I'm having trouble with the content overlaping the header when generating a pdf.
    On the first page it works fine, I have some space between the header and the content. But when the text is too long and it continuous on the next page then it ugs out and it overlaps the header. I can't find a solution to prevent this from happening any help is appreciated!

    This is how the first page looks like: (sory for the paint)

    This is what happends when there's too much text: (if you look through the paint you can see the text kinda starts in the navigation bar)

  • Simon

    Simon - 2015-07-03

    Are you able to post your code?

    For example what values have you set your margins to?


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