
Generate two fields with same name

  • LTA

    LTA - 2014-06-13

    I'm french so please apologies my poor english... :)

    I try to create a form with 2 identical fields (let's say lastname)
    If I fill the first field, the second is automaticaly fill.

    This is a (hope so) comprehensive simple example:

    // create some HTML content
    $html = '
    when i fill this field:
    <_input type="text" name="lastname" value="" size="20" maxlength="30" />
    so automaticaly, this field will be fill:
    <_input type="text" name="lastname" value="" size="20" maxlength="30" />

    // output the HTML content
    $pdf->writeHTML($html, true, 0, true, 0);
    $pdf->Output('example.pdf', 'D');

    (sorry, you have to replace <_input by <input)

    It seems that the second field is not visible.
    I think the name attribute seems to be delete becaude acrobat Pro doesn't show the name of second field when I edit it...

    By the, I create such form with adobe acrobat Pro and it works, so I know it is possible...

    Any idea ?



    Last edit: LTA 2014-06-13
    • epistaxis

      epistaxis - 2014-06-13

      On Fri, 13 Jun 2014 17:18:37 +0000
      "LTA" wrote:

      I try to create a form with 2 identical fields (let's say lastname)
      If I fill the first field, the second is automaticaly fill.

      If I understand correctly, you want:
      fill V1,
      then this V1 to be repeated ('printed') in an other place,
      but being possibly different if the user modify it?

      In any language, you can't use the same variable to do so;
      try to rename the second one and have an assignation after
      the filling of the first one.

      input V1
      assign V2=V1
      print V2 (mandatory?)
      input V2

      Damned dit : I'm afraid of earthquake and I flip at every tremor
      Ringo dit : Oh yeah?
      * You sent a wizz!
      Damned dit : ASSHOLE

      • LTA

        LTA - 2014-06-18


        One thing I don't understand is that it perfectly works when I open it in my browser (I use Chrome) and not at all with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader.

        Any clue?

        Best Regards

        • epistaxis

          epistaxis - 2014-06-18

          On Wed, 18 Jun 2014 16:13:00 +0000
          "LTA" wrote:


          One thing I don't understand is that it perfectly works when I
          open it in my browser (I use Chrome) and not at all with the
          official Adobe Acrobat Reader.

          Any clue?

          I'd say it is about the code that opens the PDF (is it part of
          Chrome or a plugin, and a plugin for what reader?)

          On the other hand, Adobe is… what it is, but we can't suspect
          the Acrobat developers to be incompétent (sometimes a tiny bit,
          but not very long;); so, I'd trust more the Adobe result
          against the Chrome one.

          Anyway, when you have a different result with different readers,
          your own code is to be suspected at first (think debugging as
          a funnel: you begin large to end up on the glitch).

          Today is gonna be one helluva week!


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