
External Image not loading in PDF

Ankit Jain
  • Ankit Jain

    Ankit Jain - 2014-12-16


    I have a page where HTML is created on the go. External Images are added to page using <IMG> tag.I pass the generated html to tcpdf. It generates the pdf but the images are missing. Any help will be appreciated.

    Ankit Jain

  • cpw

    cpw - 2014-12-19

    First of all: Please be aware that TCPDF is not meant to be a full-blown HTML to PDF converter - only a subset of HTML and CSS is supported.

    However img-Tags are supposed to work.

    It generates the pdf but the images are missing.

    So it does not throw any error message at all? If that's the case, I suspect you either have syntactic errors in your HTML (you can check this with e.g. or some of your HTML isn't supported in TCPDF, which somehow leads to the images not being shown.

    If that doesn't help, please provide an example of your HTML and TCPDF code.

  • swapnil.woxi

    swapnil.woxi - 2015-01-07

    I have smae problem for TCPDF. It showing images on my localhost but when I put that pdf functionality online it not showing error as well as not showing image on pdf


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