
image alignement on new page

  • picasso dijken

    picasso dijken - 2015-11-30

    I have a problem with images not aligning correctly on the top of a page i hope someone has an idea what is going wrong.

    i'm generating a pdf based on html content generated with tinymce. I have included an image of what is going wrong, when tcpdf creates a new page and the first content on that page are images the image is aligned incorectly.


    I hope someone can help me out with this,
    Many thanks


    Last edit: picasso dijken 2015-11-30
  • Simon

    Simon - 2015-11-30

    Can you post the HTML that has been generated?

  • picasso dijken

    picasso dijken - 2015-11-30

    Its a bit messy sinds the content is made using tinycme, i also tested it with clean html with the same result.

        <h2 name="3.">3. Messenbord monteren.</h2>
        <p>-Let op bij montage linkse of rechtse machine.
        <br />
        <br />-Cilinder gaffel messenbord en afstand middenschanierbeugel vlgs.Tek monteren
        <br />
        <br />
        <img src="userimages/IMG_2448%20-%20kopie.JPG" alt="" width="240" height="188" />
        <img src="userimages/IMG_2449%20-%20kopie.JPG" alt="" width="224" height="188" />
        <br />
        <br />
        <br />-Bescherm en afstelplaatjes alumunium 3 mm op wals.
        <br />
        <br />
        <img src="userimages/IMG_2245.JPG" alt="" width="185" height="188" />
        <img src="userimages/IMG_3438%20-%20kopie.JPG" alt="" width="241" height="188" />
        <br />
        <br />
        <br />-Cilinder afstellen met luchtdruk en gewichten met een momentsleutel vast zetten inbusbouten 10 mm met blankentektiel in
        spuiten aftekenen en markeren stand mesbalk.
        <br />
        <br />
        <br />
        <br />
        <br />-Mesbalk monteren op frame en waterpas en vast zetten asmeshouder momentsleutel 200 Nm M16x70 mm.
        <br />
        <br />
        <br />
        <br />-Aandrijfzeide op de tek 5 mm over de wals en stoomzeide 15 mm 
        <strong>maar bij montage 7 mm over de wals</strong> heen en vast zetten.
        <br />
        <br />-Aandrijfzeide 
        <strong>4 mm o</strong>ver de wals heen en stoomzeide vast zetten 
        <br />
        <br />-Afstellen mesbalk en vast zetten moment in 3 stappen 50-100-145 Nm gewichten en luchtdruk klembus spleet mag nooit tegen
        mekaar komen min 0,3 mm spleet.
        <br />
        <br />
        <strong>Let op na montage messenbord controle frame afstelling.
        <br />
        <br />
        <br /></strong>Gereedschap:
        <br />-Momentsleutel min 200 Nm en dop M24 en dopinbus 10 mm
        <br />-Steeksleutel 46 en 55 mm
        <br />-Blanke Textiel
        <br />-Draadeind M16x 180 mm
        <br />-Zegelringtang as rond 30 mm
        <br />-Machinewaterpas
        <br />
        <br />
        <br />
        <br /></p>
        <h3 name="3.1">3.1 Klaarmaken messenbalk.</h3>
        <p>-Mesbalk controleren op 
        <strong>rechtheid 1mm max.</strong>
        <br />
        <br />-Gaten voor montage schoonmaken dan pas monteren.
        <br />
        <br />-Asmeshouder bronzenbussen pasmaken verf weghalen ivb L=80 mm smeergreof door boren rond 8 mm per set monteren let op
        smeergroef verdelen.
        <br />
        <br />
        <img src="userimages/IMG_3631%20-%20kopie.JPG" alt="" width="220" height="188" />
        <img src="userimages/IMG_3628%20-%20kopie.JPG" alt="" width="220" height="188" />
        <br />
        <br />-Knifeholder en journal pasmaken opmeten kleinste maat aanhouden en aflaten draaien bij montage.
        <br />
        <br />
        <img src="userimages/IMG_3636%20-%20kopie.JPG" alt="" width="180" height="188" />
        <img src="userimages/IMG_3637%20-%20kopie.JPG" alt="" width="180" height="188" />
        <img src="userimages/IMG_3639%20-%20kopie.JPG" alt="" width="180" height="188" />
        <br />
        <br />-Luchtslangnippel vast laten lassen en groef afbramen.
        <br />
        <br />
        <img src="userimages/GMF3%20033_1.JPG" alt="" width="254" height="188" />
        <br />
        <br />Twee vlakken moeten elkaar raken mag het RVSplaat niet indrukken 0,2 mm vrij tek maat 
        <strong>L= 11 mm  Journal W15403179</strong> bij montage bepalen.
        <br />
        <br /></p>

    Last edit: picasso dijken 2015-11-30
  • Simon

    Simon - 2015-11-30

    Can you put it in code tags?

  • picasso dijken

    picasso dijken - 2015-11-30

    Hmm weird i did put it in code tags, but its working now sorry

  • Simon

    Simon - 2015-11-30

    I notice none of your images have any alignment information.

    Have a look at this example:

    All the images in the example are contained in something eg. list, div, table.

    I'd suggest trying that.

  • picasso dijken

    picasso dijken - 2015-11-30

    Wow you sir saved the day.
    Aligning the image was not working, also divs made no difference. But a simple table fixed it, it even pulled up the images to the previous page. Now i only have to get rid of the table borders but atleast this weird problem is fixed.

    Many thanks,


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