
PDF/X1-a:2001 support / embedding core fonts

  • David Liberman

    David Liberman - 2014-06-11

    We are writing a custom application that formats books for printing. The press requires that we embed all fonts, including the Core/Base14. I cannot find a method in TCPDF that will let us embed core fonts.

    Does TCPDF have a way to embed Times New Roman and other core fonts? Can TCPDF ouptut a PDF/X1-a:2001 standard file (which forces embed of all fonts)?

    If not, what php class solution is available that will allow core font embedding? Finally, we would be willing to hire a firm to make this happen. We are under a tight deadline, just discovered this issue in our final stages. Please help!

    • epistaxis

      epistaxis - 2014-06-11

      On Wed, 11 Jun 2014 14:49:28 +0000
      "David Liberman" wrote:

      Does TCPDF have a way to embed Times New Roman and other core
      fonts? Can TCPDF ouptut a PDF/X1-a:2001 standard file (which
      forces embed of all fonts)?

      You could cheat by using for example a point in the
      wanted font, then specify you want the PDF embed the
      whole fonts instead of just the symbols used.

      Draft beer, not people.

      • David Liberman

        David Liberman - 2014-06-11

        Thanks for the reply, but how would I implement this? How do I set TCPDF to embed whole core fonts? I keep running into this:

        "The fonts that could be not embedded are only the standard core fonts and CID-0 fonts."

        Yet those are the fonts I need to embed for the printing press.

        • epistaxis

          epistaxis - 2014-06-11

          On Wed, 11 Jun 2014 15:09:14 +0000
          "David Liberman" wrote:

          "The fonts that could be not embedded are only the standard core
          fonts and CID-0 fonts."

          Raaahhh, wait for an answer from the creator, this is
          unfortunately beyond my league; sorry.

          Yet those are the fonts I need to embed for the printing press.

          It has long been an axiom of mine that the little things are
          infinitely the most important.
          -- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, "A Case of Identity"

  • Nicola Asuni

    Nicola Asuni - 2014-06-11

    TCPDF embedd the core fonts when using the PDF/A mode.

    • David Liberman

      David Liberman - 2014-06-11

      Hi Nicola, thanks for the response.

      My developers tell me that TCPDF is in PDF/A by default... and they have forced the setting as well, yet the core fonts are not showing up as embedded.

      I have attached an example of TCPDF output, which is supposed to be in PDF/A mode. FYI, we can easily embed non-core fonts.

      Thanks again for your help, and I will be sure to visit your donate link to help cover the costs of your hard work. :)

  • Nicola Asuni

    Nicola Asuni - 2014-06-11

    to set the PDF/A mode you have to set the last TCPDF constructor parameter to true.
    Then all core fonts are substituted with embedded once.


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