
Umlaute Problem after addTTFfont()

  • sany

    sany - 2012-07-30

    Hi Guys....

    I have a Problem, with every font i add with addTTFfont() is just deletes my
    So from a String "für" i get "fr" as output.
    I have used several fonts, also arial witch has those signs 100%

    i used
    $pdf->addTTFfont(mypath/lte50259.ttf', 'TreuType');
    $pdf->addTTFfont(mypath/lte50259.ttf', 'TrueTypeUnicode');
    and so further... but nothing worked.

    if i use uft8_encode() for the string i want to output, i get "fˆ…r".
    if i use uft8_decode() for the string i want to output, the whole string gets
    kinda erased.

    Does anyone know how to solve this problem, because i don't find anything
    helpful in the documentation of TCPDF.

    i hope i get a fast resolve

  • sany

    sany - 2012-08-07

    does nobody has a solution for this problem? :(

  • Nicola Asuni

    Nicola Asuni - 2012-08-07

    First try using the default fonts. If everything is OK, then try to use your
    custom font.
    If you have problems, then you have to check your font using FontForge or
    replace it with a better one.

  • sany

    sany - 2012-08-07

    With the default fonts, everything works fine.
    When I use my custom font, the problems start.

    How can i check my font using FontForge?

    thx for the answer :)

  • Nicola Asuni

    Nicola Asuni - 2012-08-07

    FontForge is an advanced tool for editing fonts. It can be complicate to use
    for a novice.
    Probably your font is not correctly encoded or is not even an UTF-8 font.
    The easiest way is to find an alternative UTF-8 font.

  • Jim Hanlon

    Jim Hanlon - 2012-08-07

    FWIW, I use custom fonts containing an extensive selection of diacritics
    without problems (at least using any recent version of TCPDF). While I'm sure
    that there are many "paths" to getting working diacritics, I use TrueType
    fonts with Unicode encoding (platform id 0, encoding id 3 in the call to
    addTTFfont()). I use FontForge extensively to modify and extend these fonts.
    Other than the fact that FontForge is fairly buggy, it all works quite well.
    In addition to FontForge, consider adding
    ttx to your toolbox. I find it
    much easier to examine and manipulate things like CMAPs using a plain text

    As you haven't really described in any detail what your problem is, it's hard
    to know where to point you. But I would strongly suggest that you dig in
    considerably further into the details. Use the source, Luke!

    Some suggestions: (a) look at the generated PHP file for your font and see
    that it looks reasonable, especially is the the 'u diaeresis' character (code
    point 252(10)) even in the file, (b) bring up the font in fontforge and check
    the encoding of the characters you care about, have fontforge correct the
    encoding as necessary.

    If this page is
    any indication, you may actually have a Windows TrueType font file. If my
    memory serves, Microsoft has some unique encodings in their font files.
    Perhaps that is related to your problem. Make sure that you are referring to
    the right CMAP in the addTTFfont() call. The encoding you are using in your
    PHP needs to agree with the encoding used in the CMAP that you load.

  • sany

    sany - 2012-08-21

    Hi guys

    First of all, thx for the answers.
    And sorry, I had sooooo much to do and just had no time to try it out.

    My file is encoded as unicode utf-8 (i used Dreamweaver ).
    My Font-File is encoded ISO-10646-1 (Unicode, BMP)
    Here is a Picture using Fontforge to see the encoding.

    Also on the Picture you can see that chars like ö,ü and as such are existing.
    As code i use

    $pdf = new TCPDF('P', 'pt', 'A4', false, 'ISO-10646-1', false);
    $fontname = $pdf->addTTFfont({MYPATH}/lte50259_copy.ttf', 'TrueType', '', 32);
    $pdf->SetFont($fontname, '', '12');
    $pdf->writeHTMLCell(247, 18,$pdf->getX(),$pdf->getY(), '<p>üöäÄÖÜ</p>',0,1,false,true,'',false);
    $pdf->Output('filename.pdf', 'I');

    This is a short version of my code.
    The output i get is "ˆ…ˆ¶ˆ⁄ˆ„ˆ–ˆ"

    The funny thing is with Arial if i encode is with ISO-10646-1, the output
    works if i decode the string with utf8_decode().
    The Arial i have from my windows fonts folder (arial.ttf) and if i open it
    with fontforge it shows me the characters like äöü are existing and if i go to
    "Encoding > Reencoding" it also shows me that the encoding is on ISO-10646-1.

    So, both fonts have the same encoding, both have the special characters like
    äöü i want to output, and yet it doesn't work with my lte50259_copy.ttf

    Does someone know why? or is it really the ttf-file that is broken or
    The point is i HAVE to use that font (not that specific file, but the font
    'Helvetive Neue').

    Thx for the Answers :D

  • Jan Slabon

    Jan Slabon - 2012-09-03

    If the encoding of your editor is set to UTF-8 you should also initiate TCPDF
    with it and not with ISO-10646-1.

  • sany

    sany - 2012-09-06

    what do you mean? should i change the encoding of my php file?...
    or should i change

    $pdf = new TCPDF('P', 'pt', 'A4', false, 'ISO-10646-1', false);


    $pdf = new TCPDF('P', 'pt', 'A4', false, 'UTF-8', false);


  • Nicola Asuni

    Nicola Asuni - 2012-09-06

    If you switch to UTF-8 everything will be more simpler.


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