
Hidden Link Annotation with PDF/X

  • Samus

    Samus - 2014-11-14

    Following the SetPDFVersion I was able to reduce my version of PDF which is great, but the printer's pre-flight states that there are still annotation on the PDF. Whenyou view the PDF via Tools > Comments there are no annotations, but I put the PDF through PDF/X preflight (just to be thorough) it comes back with warnings AND an annotation. Here are the results of the pre-flight PDF/X.

    Just want to know if the library automatically places this text somewhere as I can't see it anywhere within my code or the libraries, but it must be getting it from somewhere.

     photo text_annontation.png

    Many Thanks

  • Brasco125

    Brasco125 - 2016-12-22

    Same problem here. Did you manage to fix this problem?


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