
Insert an existing PDF file

  • Joris Debonnet

    Joris Debonnet - 2014-09-25

    There's a tcpdf_import class with an importPDF function since 2011, but it was never completed and thus in its current state, does not seem useable. It parses the requested PDF file's contents with tcpdf_parser's getParsedData (another class added in 2011), but I don't know how to get that content into my pdf stream then.

    Is there a straightforward way to end the current page, insert a PDF file for the next page(s), and then continue on another new page? Imagine an invoice that needs to include a page with the terms of conditions, which is pre-made as a separate pdf file.

  • Simon

    Simon - 2014-09-25

    Last edit: Simon 2014-09-25

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