
SetProtection Prevent Image extraction

  • mark

    mark - 2015-08-26

    permission array only works in acrobat reader, not opensource pdf viewers.
    I was trying to prevent the extraction of a signature from a pdf using:
    $pdf->SetProtection(array('copy','modify','extract','print-high'), '12345', null, 0, null);
    It works fine in Acrobat Reader, BUT using the default document viewer in Ubuntu linux the restrictions on copy and extract are ignored(password was required, but thats all) and i can simply right-click and select "save as" on any image. I assume the same would be true of just about any non-acrobat PDF document viewer.

    So am I right in assuming that the permission array is Acrobat Reader exclusive?
    In this case is there any other way to prevent image extraction?

  • Olipla

    Olipla - 2015-08-26

    You will never prevent someone from hitting the print screen key and get your image.


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