
Long wrapped links get cutoff

  • Mike

    Mike - 2014-12-17

    Thanks for a great library and all the work you've put into it. I'm not sure if I've hit a bug or not. If got a pdf document that is serving as input and stamp it with footers, etc. However, I recently noticed that links that are too long to fit on one line get cut off at the point where it wraps to the next line. Does this sound like a bug or user error? These links do work in the source pdf. Thanks!

  • cpw

    cpw - 2014-12-18

    Does this sound like a bug or user error?

    Depends on what exactly you're doing. In case you're using addHtmlLink it sounds as if you've set the "firstline"-parameter to "true":

    $pdf = new TCPDF($orientation = "P", $unit = "mm", $format = "A4", $unicode = true, $encoding = 'UTF-8', $diskcache = false, $pdfa = false);
    $pdf->SetDisplayMode(100, "OneColumn");
    $pdf->SetMargins($left = 23.0, $top = 11.0, $right = 17.0, false);
    $pdf->AddPage("P", "A4");
    $pdf->addHtmlLink($url="", $name="", $fill=false, $firstline=false, $color='', $style=-1, $firstblock=false);
    $rest = $pdf->addHtmlLink($url="", $name="", $fill=false, $firstline=true, $color='', $style=-1, $firstblock=false);

    The first link (firstline=false) will wrap to the next line if there's no more horizontal space left, the second link (firstline=true) will just stop outputting and return the rest of the string ($rest in my example). Also see


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