
Custom dynamic footer

  • Christoph D.

    Christoph D. - 2010-09-09


    I have modified the Footer() method in my application and everything is
    working nicely. Now I am trying to add dynamic content to the footer which
    doesn't seem to be supported (footer is defined once and copied n times
    apparently). The application that I wrote collects performance evaluations for
    600 employees and then generates 600 pdfs of the responses. I want to
    dynamically set the footer to display the employee name of the pdf currently
    being generated (loop). I couldn't find a built-in way to achieve this or am I
    missing something?

    I was hopping that someone had already done this previously before I start
    modifying methods and adding my own to support this feature. I think this
    would also be a great thing to implement in future releases of TCPDF (if not
    already possible) as I see a real need for this.


  • Nicola Asuni

    Nicola Asuni - 2010-09-09

    footer is defined once and copied n times apparently

    No, the footer is called when a new page is started. You can set a general
    state variable on your extended TCPDF class and recall it of your Footer()


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