
Why are simple HTML tags ignore in my WriteHTMLCell()?

  • Robert Earls

    Robert Earls - 2016-02-23

    I'm using a very simple subset of TinyMCE to generate some user-input text.

    A typical text value I'm passing to WriteHTMLCell() is.....

    <b>London</b> is a <strong>great place. The UK</strong> is a <b>great nation.</b>

    But these "styles" are ignored.

    If I create some CSS to override what "strong" is styled like.. e.g.

    strong {
                                        font-weight: 700;
                                        font-style: italic;
                                        color: red;

    Only the color css is taken into account.

    I know tcpdf has a limited vocaulary when it comes to HTML/CSS, but this is pretty basic stuff, so I guess I'm doing something wrong?

    Can you help?


    Last edit: Robert Earls 2016-02-23
  • Robert Earls

    Robert Earls - 2016-02-29

    Anyone have a clue about this?

  • Hank Cape

    Hank Cape - 2016-05-31

    What font you are using? If you are using some TTF font, you need to have also fontb.php and fonti.php to show bold and italic font and if you need also bold italic it's fontbi.php.


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