
LineHeight inside the WriteHTML

Hank Cape
  • Hank Cape

    Hank Cape - 2016-05-31

    I have made a document with parts taken from a CKEditor based editor interleaved with tables and diagrams. Now, it is 99% ready but I have crashed into a small problem. After some diagrams the line feeds (automatically provided by writeHTML) have changed so inter-line distance increases but inter-paragraph difference still is same as earlier. Similarly bulleted list items have much wider interline separation than the bullet entries themselves. After a few more diagrams it may be reset back and so on.

    I run all the text parts with equal CSS-block so it seems that building the digram somehow changes the line height but I haven't been able to find out where and how (and how to correct the problem). The CSS block has the line-height values (in pts) for each element.

    Could anyone point out from where to start looking? I can't put the code as it is quite elaborate not to say complex...



    Last edit: Hank Cape 2016-05-31
  • Hank Cape

    Hank Cape - 2016-06-01

    Actually I found this out after debugging. Somehow (can't explain to myself) it was caused by getCellPaddings stored in temp, setting them all to zero and after the diagram I restored the paddings from the temp variable. If I just left them to zero it worked fine. Just wondering how it worked before right with the saved paddings but afterwards not.

    But I am happy to have it corrected - even if doesn't make a sense :P



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