Thanks for your effort on this project...
I'm having problems with some PDF's created with tcpdf, which are crashing our Xerox printer...
I have found a similar bug in the Cairo libraries:
I'm hoping that you will be able to fix this issue..
I have attached a pdf file that has the problem..
Martin Juhl
You are using an old TCPDF version, please upgrade.
I have just tried with tcpdf_6_0_063.zip... same problem...
Please be sure you are using also the new fonts and provide a new test case.
Fonts should be updated to appropriate version..
Still same issue, example attached...
Seems that you are using custom fonts.
Would you please retry using the default fonts provided by TCPDF?
Hi Again
If I remove the custom fonts, there is no problem..
What is funny though is that if I run the commands "pdf2ps" and "ps2pdf" on a file that has the problem.. Then the problem disappears too????
I have a attached a pdf after running pdf2ps->ps2pdf...