
#1085 Clipping of writeHTMLCell


Install the attached example in the examples directory and run it. What you will see is two blocks of text that are created with writeHTMLCell. Both blocks are the same html of the form "


". The left hand block is created unclipped. The right hand block uses StartTransform and Rect to clip to one half (or so) height. Notice that the text is clipped but not the yellow background!

I assume that this is a bug. If not, please let me know what I am doing wrong since my expectation was that the yellow background should be clipped to the same height as the text. Also, with a very old version 4.9, this used to work.

Thank you.

1 Attachments


  • cakirk

    cakirk - 2015-09-08

    Sorry for screwing up the report. I did not expect it to interpret my embedded HTML. It should have said that the HTML was a single paragraph tag with style="background-color:yellow"

  • cakirk

    cakirk - 2015-09-11

    Is there an estimate on when someone will take a look at this bug? Since the background-color is not clipped, I cannot use this in my application. I am very surprised that no one has complained about this bug before.

  • NiklasBr

    NiklasBr - 2015-09-15

    I don't think the developer ever reads bug reports, I have not had a single reply to any of my old reports, for example: [bugs:#1045] Unable to use setFooterMargin from Footer() in class.



    Bugs: #1045

  • cakirk

    cakirk - 2015-09-24

    I attached a very simple example program that demonstrates what, for me, is a serious bug - writeHTMLCell obeys clipping for text but not for background color! This used to work correctly.

    Is there any way that I can get someone to look into this and fix it?

    Without a fix, I cannot use tcpdf. I need to be able to clip the html correctly.


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