
TclXML / News: Recent posts

TclXSLT v1.1 Released

Coinciding with the v2.1a1 release of TclDOM is a new release of TclXSLT, v1.1. The new TclXSLT package depends on TclDOM v2.1's libxml2 interface. Now source and stylesheet documents must be created or parsed by the TclDOM-libxml2 package before being passed to the xslt::transform command.

Posted by Steve Ball 2002-03-01

TclDOM v2.1 alpha1 Released

The first alpha release of TclDOM v2.1 was made 1st March 2002. This is the first release of TclDOM to include a C implementation of the TclDOM API.

TclDOM-libxml2 is a Tcl interface to the Gnome libxml2 library. Only a few basic functions (create, parse, serialize) have been implemented so far.

Posted by Steve Ball 2002-03-01

New Website

The TclXML project's website has been rewritten, using DocBook and XSLT. Features include:

* Separate pages for each subproject
* Content from old website and Zveno's website merged
* Improved navigation

Posted by Steve Ball 2002-01-14

TclXSLT Announced

TclXSLT, a Tcl wrapper for libxslt, has been added to the CVS repository.

Posted by Steve Ball 2001-08-14

TclXML v2.1 'theta' Released

TclXML v2.1 'theta' has been released. This release mostly contains bug fixes, but some of the fixes affect well-formedness checking - improved checking means that some documents which were previously accepted will now be rejected.

Posted by Steve Ball 2001-08-02

TclXML Theta Release Patch

A missing file in the TclXML v2.0 'theta' release has been
added. The new version, v2.0.1, has been released.

Posted by Steve Ball 2001-01-21

TclXML v2.0 'theta' released

An interrim release of TclXML v2.0, dubbed 'theta',
consisting of only the Tcl code for the XML parser
has been released.

Posted by Steve Ball 2001-01-18